
Size is this noraml?

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im 18 years old and my p***s is a little over 6 and a half inches which im a little sad about but when its not erect i can be as small as an inch, but usually no more that 2 inches

is it possible for a 6.5 inch p***s so shrink all the way down to 1 inch? is this normal? its to a point that i would never let a girl see my p***s until its was at least a little warmed up to reach 4(when it still hangs down but looks pretty big)

also how do would you expect my p***s to grow and until what age?

im 6 feet but i still have zits so im still in puberty i guesss




  1. Dude ur straight. From my experience chicks dig confidence more than size and are actually impressed by a large change in size as u have. So chill out, read her vibes and sit back and grow so she can have show.

  2. allot of Men p***s start out small and then grow to a great size and yours is one of them this is very common some men start with a large p***s but it doesn't grow it just harden up and then their are ones that start small and grow . in all honesty i prefer one like yours that when you start to have s*x you see you excite man and it grows to nice size .do not worry your p***s size is PERFECT  

  3. You're a grower not a show-er.  Typical in a lot of males.  And puberty officialy stops at 21.  

  4. ur good i got the safe **** goin on i mean the exact thing my p***s shrinks down to bout an inch and erect is bout 6.5and im 18 and bout ur height as well so dude ur fine just let it go they really dont car as ong as u can show up when u need to

  5. well mine is 7.6 inches

  6. A flaccid p***s means nothing about size. In fact a large majority of guys with a small flaccid p***s (myself included) grow exponentially when an erection occurs. It doesn't matter what size the girl sees when it is flaccid, however you would probably already be aroused to a degree and starting to gain an erection (if she's physically attractive to you, wearing seductive clothing, and/or doing something arousing).

    Also p***s growth generally keeps going till 18 or 19, however it is different for every man. Some may stop earlier, some may keep going even past 18 or 19.

  7. dude you are smalll.....get some pills or stretch it with a curling iron or something , jk its fine. big penises are hard to handle! be confident.


  8. Yes it is completely normal.  Average adult male erect size -- regardless of race, is 5.5 to 6 inches. so at 6.5 you are at the medium edge of large to start with.

    Yes, having a pop up p***s is also normal.  Most of the lighter skinned races have primarily pop up penises -- we evolved in colder climes after all.

    Your p***s might grow marginally more (a tenth of an inch or so), but I would not expect even that, it is unlikely.

    Kind thoughts,


  9. im not try to be a freak but  only 14 and my p***s is 7.2 wait is that bad or is it irregular and yea it it is mine does it to lol  

  10. thats pritty normal, iam the same way, but iam pritty sure that puberty isnt over until around 25

  11. quite normal in every way, the size of a non erect p***s has nothing to do with its length when fully erect. Will it grow more??? who knows.

    As for not wanting a girl to see it unless it is some what warmed up... welcome to being a guy.  
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