
Skateboarding trick tips? Easy 10 points?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to "manual" off the 3 set. And i go super fast yet my board ends up snapping down and hitting the stairs when i do it. Wat is the problem?

Also i need help dropping in.

Any suggestions?




  1. okay  when youmanual down the 3 set you have to level out your body weight dont go too fast because that will happen

    when you drop in just stay calm and also level out your body weight

    hope i helped

  2. right before you go off the 3 set, do a little ollie. and to drop in all you have to do is lean forward and commit to it 100% cuz if you dont you will **** yourself up

  3. Dropping In. Most people fall when they don't commit and the end up leaning back and manualing down the ramp. You just have to decide in your mind to go for it. Make sure you lean forward and instead of focusing on stomping down, try to focus on just leaning forward and touching your front wheel to the ramp. Don't be afraid to fall and you won't. When you are afraid to fall, that's when you lean back and hurt yourself. The best advice I ever got was don't think, just do. When I was learning how to drop in, I would stand on the top of the ramp for a long time just thinking and psyching myself out. My first drop-in, I just put my board down, took a deep breath and just went for it- and it worked. If you do end up falling, walk it off and try again, quitting isn't going to solve anything. Land or Slam.

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