
Skiing Help?

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I've been skiing twice now, but I still can't do the "S" technique where you turn your skis perpendicular to the mountain (side ways) I tried it everytime but when ur going so fast its hard to make those turns. Any tips?




  1. The obvious solution is to go to a flatter run. Even the best skiers in the world including the best racers will practice on the flattest slope they can find at the slowest speed, this will allow them to pinpoint the error of their technique. Practice your turns until you have mastered the linked turns that will allow you to ski a more difficult run.

      Learn to balance your weight over the "big toe" edge of the downhill ski as you turn, stand tall and keep your weight more downhill than into the hill. If you lean into the hill your ski will slide out from under you rather than carve through the turn.

  2. After taking one turn kind of turn up the hill a little to slow down. Or use the wedge technique before turning. If it's only your second time skiing no one expects you to be good.

  3. when you're trying to turn left, lean up the mountain and then try to turn. When right, lean right, towards the top of the mountain. almost so its like if you lean any more right/left, you will fall over towards the top. kinda get what I'm saying? i dunno how else to describe it.

  4. the best tip ive ever gotten is tip your skis to the side instead of trying to turn them
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