
Skiing with only one ski?

by  |  earlier

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I went skiing today and there was a guy skiing with only one ski. He had two ski boots on, so it was not like he only had one leg. Every time he got on /off the lift they had to stop it. I thought this was not alloud. Any Resons why he was doing this?




  1. his ski probally fell off the chair lift or was just doing it for fun.

  2. Was he using any outrigger skis? (little skis on poles instead of regular poles.) If so, he very well may have been an adaptive skier, or an adaptive instructor learning what it is like to ski on one ski. We adaptive instructors call this a 3-Track. Some 3-Trackers have two legs, they just have no use of one leg...thus they only use one ski and wear two ski boots just to keep a sense of equal weight.

    Barring that...he very well may have been a racer like everyone else has stated.

    Or it could have been some instructors just messing around...our ski school staff does a lot of odd things when they are bored.

  3. Some areas do not allow this at all. Some others do not have any  objection to it. One reason for skiing with only one ski is to improve balance and edge control.  It is also one of the tasks for certification of ski instructors.  Many racers do this to improve the balance and steering of the one weak leg.

  4. race training

    it increases preformance for the one leg so then he'll switch and do it for the other leg

    it is also conditioning

  5. i'd doubt he was too advanced a skier. Most i know could load / unload without the chair stopping.

  6. Where  I live i am on a race team and they allow us to do this at our mountain. But to answer your question it's extreamly good leg exercising to ski with one ski

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