
Skills test on motorcycyle impossable!!!

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I went up there to practice on their course they leave it setup when its closed. I keep trying to do the figure eigths and i keep going over the line now I have rode over 2000 miles and im not a bad rider. There was another guy practicing to he had same problem. I turned off bike and walked it through the turn i started it on white line cut it as far as it would go and what do you know it still went over bout 6 inches. I have a friend that likes to stunt his bike he told me about the test he said that you cant pass their test on sportbikes like mine or his unless you almost lay them down to ground. The guy told him he has never had someone riding a supersport pass it then asked him if he knows someone with small cruiser to take the test. I have a 2000 gsxr 600 lowered so I really cant make that turn without maybe locking front and spinning rear around wtf !! How can i pass this test? I dont want the saftey course last time I went there I was turned away they had too many people after I drove an hour one way to be there.




  1. It can be done , and i did it . Take the MSF course and they will show you how. I did it during testing and practice during my MSF training. It helps when you are on a small bike as used inthe course and also having a bike that if you should drop it you don`t really care  . The trick is you hug the line , then when you make your first U - turn you look over your shoulder to where you want to be heading . Now for the turn itself you want to hang your butt off the side of the seat that is opposite the direction you are turning, this is called counter balancing. So in other words if you are doing a left U-turn your butt is hanging off the right side of the saddle. A right turn your butt would hang off the left side of the saddle , all the while your looking over your shoulder where you want to be . A combination of both turns gets you a figure 8 . I did several times over the 2 day course, with never touching a foot down or going out of the box. But to tell you the truth I would never do it on my bike because i wouldn`t risk dropping my own personal bike.  

  2. maybe that bike being dropped 3 and 4 inches made it an unsafe bike to ride?  my bike was lowered 2 inches in the rear and i think any lower would be unsafe.  

    if it can't physically pass the test, you should raise it back up an inch or 2.  why would you want to take away so much lean angle from a 600 rocket anyway??  

  3. it's easy enough on a standard bike, and I know a guy who could do it on a full dress touring bike.  If you truly believe it's impossible on your bike, go and find another to take the test on, or take the msf course.

    I think even if you go over the line it doesn't mean you fail, it just means you will have a few points deducted, so as long as everything else goes alright you'll pass.

  4. Those courses are unrealistically designed.  You just have to do what everyone else does and that is take the test with a bike that turns well.  How else do you think those guys with huge Harley's get their licenses?  Try to get a friend to loan you one.  

  5. If it's a right turn, enter the turn as far to the left as you can.

    Half way through the turn you should be all the way to the right.

    You should be all the way to the left as you exit the turn.

    It's called "cutting the apex"

  6. "Impossable!!!"?  It sounds like you know what you have to do to pass this test...use a different bike.  What's the problem?  I'm sure you can ride circles around any of the msf grads but the "Big difference" is that this msf course student can pass her test because she can do a figure eight without going over the line. Big difference buddy.

  7. Slow down, give it more revs, drag the back brake and control the bike's speed with the clutch. Try it - it works!

  8. Impossible? No. Difficult, maybe, if you don't know what you are doing, but not impossible. I did it successfully on my first try, actually. A couple guys that were taking the test with me whined that it was too hard, and the instructor went and got his Honda Goldwing and did it. If you can do it on a Goldwing, you can do it on anything.

    Key things to keep in mind:

    As soon as you beging the Uturn, crane your neck way around to look at the exit of the turn, it'll help you get the bike around.

    Keep steady throttle, it'll help keep you balanced.

    Do some serious lean on the bike, counterweighting with your body.

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