
Skimboarding than surfing?

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should you start off with beginners skimming before learning how to surf?




  1. Yha skimboarding will help with your balance

  2. i surf and skim...

    and other than balance they have nothing in common...

    skimming is based almost entirely lower body strength.... while when surfing you need a strong combination of upper and lower strength.

    you could actually have no swimming skills at all and be able to skim.... while paddling out on a surfboard requires some mad stamina and fish-like swimming skills..

    honestly if you are wanting to surf...         then surf.... because its 10X better. and once you catch on youll be hooked for life.

    ... and skim when theres no waves.

  3. Surfing.. no doubt abt it.. Even though it can be riskey it is still less riskey to me than skimboarding.

  4. Dude Skimming has nothing whatsoever to do with surfing. Lol sponger-kook

  5. Skimboarding helps you get the feel of riding on the water. By giving you the similiar position of surfing, it increases your balance and teaches you to get air. I started out skimboarding and then learned how to surf. It helped me learn a lot. Although you aren't laying down and paddling when you skimboard, you get a lot of help. Surfing and skimboarding are my favorite things to do. Hang Loose!!!!

  6. Ya starting from scratch is better than just going with a new big thing.

  7. doesnt matter, Ive known surfers that have never touched a skimboard and vice versa, Skimming takes twice the energy you are more likely to get frustrated. Stick to surfing and skim when the surf is small.

  8. Sorry, but there is no comparison. I'm sure that skim boarding helps improve balance, but so does skateboarding, or working out on an "indo board." Surfing requires real skill and strength in the ocean. The place to 'start' surfing, is learning how to be at home swimming in the ocean, and understanding the ocean's waves and currents. After you are a strong enough ocean swimmer, you can learn to surf. Once you have mastered catching a wave, you will eventually learn how to stand up, and then your balance and coordination needs to be honed. You also need to learn surf etiquette, that way the other surfers in the line up won't want to kill you before you really get started.

    I'm sure skim boarding is fun, but I've taken enough lumps in 40 plus years of surfing, and skim boarding seems way too dangerous for me. It looks like a broken wrist just waiting to happen. Forget the wet sand, get you act together and go surfing, there is nothing like it.

  9. Skim boarding is nothing in comparison to surfing! The balance required in surfing is all about feeling the wave. If you want to learn to surf, start off catching waves on a body board so that you understand when to paddle, wave selection ect. Then you can learn to catch waves lying down on a surfboard before you learn to stand up

    Good luck!

  10. Surfing all the way. but if you start out skim boarding it will help you a bit when you get on a board.

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