
Skin pigment in mixed children question?

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Me and my boyfriend are having a baby and i am white and i have native american in me and hes white african american and puerto rican.. Now with all of that do u think the baby will come out dark when he/she is born.. because my bf has this weird thought that i cheated on him which i NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER in my life would do.. I just didnt know if it will come out darker or what because i dont want if its gonna come out light for him to be like SEE I TOLD YOU cuz i know in my heart i didnt cheat.. if anyone can help me i would be very appreciative




  1. Oh wow.

    First, whats it matter what color your baby is?

    Tell your boyfriend that. If you two are going to have a baby, he should REALLY learn to trust you. That's going to be really important.  

  2. I don't know exactly to how much extent your boyfriend is white, but light skin is genetically recessive, and assuming that your boyfriend is half white, there's only a 25% chance your child will have a light complexion.  If your boyfriend has even less Caucasian blood in him than half, the 25% goes way down.  However, if your boyfriend is still unsure, when your child is born, you can do a simple DNA test.  It won't hurt the baby.  All you need from the baby is saliva.  Your boyfriend will have to give blood though.  Skin color isn't always indicative of whether or not you cheated.  h**l, if you cheated with a pure black man, your child's color will definitely not be white.  So the DNA test is the way to go.  You can go on the Maury Povic show and he tests babies and their daddies all the time.  

    The major issue though is why your boyfriend thinks you cheated on him.  These suspicions may go away after the baby's born and he's satisfied with its skin color and how it looks like him or after the DNA test, but maybe he'll think you cheated again somewhere down the road.  For some reason he doesn't trust you and you need to nip that in the bud.  He's obviously insecure about something.  Usually people accuse others of the things they do themselves.  Maybe he has a guilty conscience.  Sorry, I don't need to worry you before your baby is born, but really, this insecurity he has says a lot about him, and not necessarily about you.  Congrats on the baby!  :)

  3. As the mother of two biracial children both of my children are really light. But you never know I have seen it both ways it just genes and a  guessing game until your baby gets here. For your boyfriend to base parentage on skin complexion is ignorant, if he doesn't believe the child is his he can get a DNA test  

  4. Wait-so do you want it to come out dark or light? I mean I'm assuming you are both somewhat fair skinned? If that's the case, the baby will probably come out fairly light, with maybe a deep tan look to it. But he should know that skin color isn't always an indication of "cheating", because I had a good friend that was fairly light african american and both her parents were pretty dark. If he's so concerned, he can get a paternity test done after the baby's born.

  5. i think your baby would be a caramel color

    but it depends id your boyfriend dark or medium or light  

  6. No one can determine that, because genetic possibilities are endless. If you know you've never cheated on him, then don't worry about your baby's complexion. Just pray that he/she's healthy! In the meantime, if he's that uncertain, let him pay for a paternity's test. If he has doubt, I highly doubt he'd care exactly what the baby's skin color is. I hope it all works out. Don't stress, you have a baby to nurture! :)

  7. Your baby is gonna be GORGEOUS.  I love mixed babies.  I know that sounds terrible, but they just have the best skin.  Anyway, genes are genes and you truly never know.

    However, even african american babies look kinda light alot of times when they are born so you'll probably have a light skinned baby that looks like he/she has a tan.  My friend's baby is actually 100% black (I don't care if that isn't PC) but he looked REALLY light when he was born.  Now he's got dark skin.  Honestly you never know.

    Your bf is probably just having problems dealing with the fact that he's going to be a dad.  His behavior is actually normal (a pain in the butt and out of line), but still normal.  When the baby is born he'll probably turn into a pile of mush.

    In nature babies usually look more like the father's so the father will accept them.  It is true with a lot of people too.  Your bf will probably see his dad or grandpa in your baby.

    Babies' looks change so much though so by the time he/she is 7 he/she could look completely different.

    If he wants one just get a DNA test and let him know you're hurt.  Maybe he has something hide who knows.  Just stay healthy and whatever happens between you and "Prince Charming" happens.

    Good Luck!

  8. It really just depends..If you are both light skinned your baby probably will be light skinned as well. But there is always the chance that he has darker pigments in his family or your family.

    My boys and this baby on the way are mixed as well..I'm as white as they come, and my hubby is Mexican..He's pretty dark, and our boys have tan skin..You can def. tell they are mixed.

    Either way, even if the baby has darker or lighter skin than the two of you, it will probably have some of his characteristics..Our first son looks just like my dh and our second son looks just like me.

  9. You never know.  Most come out with some sort of tan to them.  But I know a girl whos husband is Indian and she is pale white...and that baby is just as pale as can be.  Tell your boyfriend to stop being a jackass.  If he wants a DNA test give him one and that will make him stop being such a jerk.

  10. No one can tell you for sure, it is a guessing game. Your baby could be really white or really dark depending on how the genes have mixed. You both have dark genes in you close down the line, even if its not being expressed at the moment cause you both have white skin. If your baby's genes were mixed in a way that these dark genes were passed on to be active, then you could have a darker baby. You could also pass on the genes you have showing at the moment and have a white baby

    No one can say for sure, its a guessing game. Its like having a line with white at one end, and black at another end, and then asking us where on the line you think your baby will fit. He could fit at either of the extremes of white or black or somewhere in the middle


  11. hi lol i am white British and my partner is mixed race from iraq ,my first son was born just like his daddy jet black hair and sparkling brown eyes  and you could defiantly see his colour in him my second son was born with to be fair no hair ,white but with brown eyes and by the time he was 1 his hair was dark and his skin was like my first but my third son was born with bright blue eyes and blonde hair he is nearly two now and still the same people often ask me if he has a diff rent dad but unless he was swapped he defiantly 100% has the same dad as the other 2 just he takes after me if your boyfriend really loves you and his child the minute he sees him or her he will fall in love my partner has never questioned it ever even through they are different in hair ,skin and eye colour he has his dads shape face ,nose and mouth so i really wouldn't worry lol besides babies change so much in that first couple of months xxgood luckxx

  12. With so many different ethnicities, you really can't tell how dark a child's skin color will be until he/she comes out of the womb.  Darker skinned people can give birth to lighter skinned children--people of African descent who look "white" can give birth to darker skinned children.  Differing skin tones are not evidence for or against paternity.

    If he really wants to know if the baby is his, have a DNA test run after birth.

  13. Genetics are a funny thing..  you never know what color the pigment will be until the child is born.  Since both of you have white in your backgrounds, then there is a chance the child could come out light skinned...  or the child could come out any shade of brown/tan.

    If he really questions the paternity of this child, then challenge him to a paternity test.  Tell him to pay for the test "now" (that is after the birth of the child).. or suck it up and accept that its his.  Its not fair to the child for him to continue to deny that its his.  Its something that is best resolved right away, rather than later.  I have seen children who felt rejected because their father denied them for years.. its mental abuse!

  14. It WILL come out looking white, mixed race baby's don't get their color until about 6 weeks of age, and won't have the full colouring until about 6 months to a year.  My friend had a mulatto baby (1/2 black, 1/2 white) and he was born white, he is now 4 1/2 months old and is slowly getting darker, so just keep that in mind when your baby is born.  But eventually your baby will most likely have darker skin.

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