
Skinny Legs Question Again!!?

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Last time it wasn't very clear!

What i mean is how do i get skinny legs? because i thought exercise would make my legs big &+ muscular.

But if i starve myself &+ exercise loads Will they be really thin?

And Please No Don't Starve Yourself comments because i already do!

Answers Please.




  1. Whether you do or dont, you shouldn't starve yourself..rarely does that effectively make you lose weight your stomach just retracts and pretty much eats itself.

    Exericising could help you lose any fat on your legs, just once you notice youve lost is reduce how often you do it so you dont get muscle legs ;p

  2. I'm not an expert, but here's my two cents:

    Are you still young enough that you grow? Because maybe if you do lots of stretching type stuff and eat things that will promote growing, your legs will lengthen out. I know this sounds dumb, but I don't eat vegetables all that much, and I swear every time I eat a bunch of vegetables I suddenly get growing pains in my arms or legs. Give it nutrients that it doesn't get that it could use, and maybe you'll lengthen out. And yeah exercise, but not too much.

    For reals, aren't you scared that if you starve yourself, your body will do that thing where it retains more fat, so that if you ever do get healthy, it will be twice as hard to lose fat?

    And also stop worrying so much! The only thing that makes people beautiful is confidence. :) I know it sounds cliche,  but its only a cliche because its so dang true and so many people don't know that. So if your life goal ever changes from being super skinny to being happy and content, (yes, that does include being beautiful) keep that in mind, ok?

  3. eat healthily and just do lots of exercise cus then you will get lean stuff like swimming which lengthens the muscles..

    answer mine pleasee :)

  4. go 2 the gym n ask a trainer how 2 get slimmer legs

  5. Hi I understand what ur doing carrying on *fasting* drink lots of lemon water this cuts the fat!!! mix Cayenne pepper with this water this cuts the fat too.

    Stretch the legs  like your doing the splits this slims the inner thighs do fast paste walking this burns fat in the legs (is is the thighs that are looking the fattiest?) it probably do squats!!! to reduce thigh fat.

  6. starving yourself just means that your body retains more water giving your body (including legs) a bulgier appearance

    the best way to get skinny legs is excersice, cross trainers are brilliant for legs but lay off the weights as they will bulk you up.

  7. Aren't people with skinny legs usually naturally skinny?

    I know this isn't answering your question but I'm saying it anyways.

    I heard that when you don't eat it's actually worse for you 'cause then your metabolism slows down, then when you do eat your metabolism is really slow. Something like that, I know I worded it bad, bite me.

  8. youre a psycho

  9. i lost weight on my legs by walking alot and eating 340-500 calories a day. i'm not advising you to do this, but if you do take multivitamins with zinc so that your hair doesn't fall out.

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