
Sleep messed up....?

by  |  earlier

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So over the last few months i have been going to sleep later and later and later cuz i cant fall asleep i went from going to bed at 11pm to now going to bed around 5am i tired staying up all night so i can fall asleep early but still doesnt work. the bad thing about it i sleep so late and then i cant wake up before noon. Do i have a sleeping disorder or something? not that i think about it this has happened over the last 2 years but its gotten really bad over the last few months




  1. just make urself sleep early just do it u can i can tell DO UR BEST

  2. Do you have work to do in the afternoon? It happened to me before. I was jobless at that point of time so I always stayed up till the wee hours to log on to the internet. Not a life worth living I tell you. I start work at 10am now and I'm usually too tired at night to do anything else. So I'm in bed by 2am at most.

    I read somewhere that you are 8 times more likely to succeed in cultivating a new habit if you keep doing it for 4 consecutive days. I suggest you do something really tiring in the day. Say running 10km or what. For 4 consecutive days. You'll be knocked out by night time. That, or you can wake up at 8am every morning to go do something. Even if there's nothing, find something to do. Write in your journal about your goals, dating, cooking, etc. Again, do it for 4 consecutive days.

    The strategy is to make yourself sleep deprived. Then you'll be able to change your biological sleeping clock.

    Best of luck.
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