
Sleep problems?

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Alright, I quit smoking weed over 3 months ago after doing it all the time for over 10 years. When I quit my eating and sleeping patterns got all messed. For a while I had to take Tylenol PM just to go to sleep, which I hate doing because I feel like a zombie the next morning. I've seen some stuff on here about Melatonin. Does it really work? Will I feel like c**p in the morning or will I feel refreshed. On tylenol PM I wake up and I'm still exhausted. Any suggestions? I don't need the whole drugs are bad speech either, I partied a lot back in the day and I've quit everything. Thanks for your help.




  1. I suggest melatonin also to get you on track. I'd also include Valerian, herb or tincture, before bed. Some other herbs to think of...Passion flower (Passiflora)....Wild oats (Avena sativa) tincture or capsules will help calm the nerves.

    Good Luck

  2. My husband and son both use melatonin and love it - but, if they take it too late in the evening they are sleepy the next morning. Sometimes they try just 1/2 a pill.

  3. I have heard it does...

    All it does is regulate your bodys sleep cycle. Try it, it might wowrk.

  4. i take melatonin. i never wake up feeling groggy and it definitely helps me sleep! i'm a former smoker too and i know the exact thing your talking about. my sleep was crazy for a while too!

  5. The NIkken Sleep System

    or  if you think a pill will help, try Relora.  It is a stress blocker.

    A tattle tail sigh of if you need Relora or not is if you have excessive stomach fat.

  6. Try warm milk and honey and well done for quitting drugs!

  7. leave it out. Just go on a fantasy trip in your imagination to a nice place you know well. Visit it in Detail - in a house visit every room in your mind - look for details and then y....

    oh sorry I just dropped off myself!

  8. I also hate taking Tylenol PM and similar products for the reasons you mentioned. I tried melatonin after talking to a friend who found it really, really helpful and did not experience  any negative side effects whatsoever--so clearly, there are people out there for whom it works very well.

    But I had problems with it that were similar to my problems with other sleep medications like PM pain relievers and antihistamines (which I used to take not for sleep but for allergies). They all do put me to sleep all right, but I tend to dream very deep, intense and disturbing dreams. If something does wake me up in the middle of the night after I've taken any of them--and that includes melatonin--I have a very upsetting feeling of disorientation (like, it takes me a second or two to figure out where I am or what's going on.) With melatonin, I have not experienced that "I feel like death warmed over" sensation next morning--which I have with some other products--but I don't necessarily feel that I've had a quality night's sleep, either.

    But I think I am just more than usually sensitive to the side effects of sleep aids of all types. Having talked to others who occasionally use melatonin and have had very good results with it, I think you just have to see whether it is effective for you and balance that against any negative effects. I did a fair amount of "homework" before I tried melatonin the first time, and the consensus does seem to be that it is safe. If you want to do your own research--always a good idea--just look for sites that belong to a hospital or organization whose name you recognize and trust. (i.e., put more trust in the Mayo Clinic than in someone calling themselves Dr. Sleepwiz or something.)

    Believe me, I know how poor sleep can distort your whole perspective on life! Best of luck.
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