
Sleeping issue at babysitters?

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My daughter (20 months) will begin going to a babysitter two times a week while I'm at work. She normally stayed with my parents, who have a crib and a great set-up. The person who will now be watching her is a wonderful friend of the family and is great with her...too good to pass up :) The only problem is that she doesn't have a crib and it needs to be at her house. Her thinking was to use toddler rails on her double bed for my daughter's nap. I'm concerned because my daughter is a terrible napper. She requires the same old routine each time, will only sleep in her crib, and stays asleep for an hour on a good day (making up for this by doing a solid 11 hours at night, though)!

Any other ideas or thoughts for this situation? She won't lay down to sleep in my bed and loves having her own crib or my parents' crib to sleep in.




  1. Ask the sitter if she has an extra crib, if she doesn't buy a cheap used one from a second had store.  

  2. I saw this on TV and its pretty crazy but it works especially if your baby falls asleep easily in the car, place the child in a car seat like your going for a ride and set them on your dryer and turn it on. it simulates a car ride, hopefully then you could transfer to a bed and have a good nap

  3. Bring a Pack-N-Play.  Start trying to get her to nap at home and at your parents in it so she is more used to it.  

  4. Lie down with her until she dozes off. You may have to do this a few times until she gets used to lying down and waking in the new bed.


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