
Sleeping outside?

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tonight i want to sleep on the grass, should I use cot or just a blanket???





  1. both

  2. I'd use a cot, just incase there's any insects flying or crawling around. :)

    Either that, or you could use a tent so that you're sheltered, and safe from animals and/or weather.

    Good luck, and have fun! :D

  3. If you sleep on a blanket, put down a tarp first to stop moisture from soaking through. If it was up to me I would probably use a blanket and a sleeping bag. Hope you have fun!

  4. sleep on a cot or put something under the blanket to stop ground moisture from coming up through the blanket.

  5. I would say that the answer to this depends on what the weather is like and also how experienced you are. If it is warm and balmy where you plan to spend the night then a blanket or two on some soft grass could be a pleasant experience... though the earth is a bit harder than one would expect after a few hours of sleeping on it. If you are not used to sleeping out doors, or have never done it, I'd go for the most comfortable bed you can arrange short of a mattress. Also remember about insects if they are a problem in your area. Sleeping under the stars is quite an experience and waking to the dawn is beautiful.

  6. Either way, you'll need some insulation that doesn't compress down to a thin layer underneath you.  A blanket or sleeping bag will not insulate well enough to make it comfortable.

    As warm as the ground might seem during the day, it turns into a big heat-sink at night.    As well, a cot has only a thin canvas or nylon fabric and the cold air underneath will make sleeping on it uncomfortable.     If you have a firm foam backpacker's pad, or maybe four layers of a thick blanket between you and the cot, you should be okay.

  7. use a sleeping bag.. or set up a tent and put a few pillows and blankets in there to make it comfy..
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