
Slice problems???

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i'v sliced the ball for about two years now and i'v been trying to get rid of it ever since then... what r some good things to try?




  1. Make sure your swing is left side dominant.  That means pulling with the left arm, left chest, shoulder, etc.  keeping your right side looser will help you turn the club over naturally, instead of all the "quick fixes" that will disrupt your timing and consistency further.  The Left side: right side ratio should be about 60:40.  Use this pulling motion to swing through the ball, and keep your balance steady.  I know a lot about the swing, you can ask me further questions.  There is a swing David Toms uses that gets rid of all ball flight movement, and you release at the top and move the club through without any wrist release until you get halfway up.  I do this swing very well (i hit about 14 greens a round and 11 fairways or so, too bad I can't make a 2 footer).  This swing is very effective, although you will lose distance (mostly from wrist action) and I would not suggest it unless you hit range balls 2 or more times week.  You can email me if you have any questions on the golf swing, knowledge of it is as or more powerful than  practice.

  2. maybe try an offset driver to prevent that slice

  3. A slice is most commonly caused by one or both of two problems.  First your club face is open when it strikes the ball.  The ball will start out going straight but will then arc to the right.  Second, you're hitting the ball with an 'outside to in' swing path.  The ball will start off to the left and will arc back to the right.  Most people who slice have both these flaws in their swing.  To solve # 1, close the club face more at address.   You should know the difference between a weak grip and a strong grip. If you don't , ask a good golfer to show you.  It has nothing to do with how tightly you grip the club.   If you're grip is weak then strengthen it slightly.  This will help to ensure the club face is flush to the ball at impact.  To solve #2 you need to try to focus on an inside to out swing path.  Try concentrating on hitting the inside of the ball (the side closest to you) in other words you want to try to force the ball to fly slightly to the right of your target line at the point of impact.  This will help to avoid the dreaded outside in swing path.  At the end of the day though, the best thing for you to do is take a few lessons.  if your fundamentals are slightly flawed a good teaching pro should be able to get you on track within no more than three lessons.

  4. Slicing means your legs are clearing before your upper body clears. So do this excersise:

    Hit balls without clearing your lower body (Just arm swing). It will give you the feeling of connecting the ball with a more square club face.

  5. Here's what fixed my slice. Tee up with the ball just about at your left toe. Set up your driver in the middle of your stance. The thinking is, your normal open face or outside-in path will have time to come back to square, or even become a slight draw. After you get used to pushing through impact, you'll find you can return to a more normal ball placement.

  6. I recommend practicing every day. Most people can't do it because they don't live near a range. Try the new generation of practice balls out there. AlmostGolf balls are heads and tails above all others. I practice about 20 minutes a day around the neighborhood and I seem to discover something about my swing or consistancy every day. It makes practicing so easy and convenient.

    Best of luck.

  7. Couple of things that worked for me (well, most of the time! :) )

    1.  have a slightly stronger grip, meaning, if your right handed, turn your hands slightly to the right

    2.  on your backswing, take your club back more upright... I've struggled, and still struggle many times with taking the club too far inside, then coming over the top on the downswing.

    3.  start your downswing with a slight "bump" of your front hip, kind of like you using your front hip to close your car door

    lastly... have FUN at the range trying to fix the bane of all us hackers! don't lose that golf bug!
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