
Slitting wrists?

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alright, so i have been cutting for about 8 months. the reason, is becuase i was raped and i didnt know how to deal with it. i turned to cutting and it helps me so much. the only thing is, that i cant stop. i slit my wrist the other day, and it bled for hours before i got it stopped. any ideas on how to stop?




  1. Honey,

    Don't slit your wrists! There's always other ways to solve problems! That's not good and see it has already become a habit for you! Find another solution!

  2. It is hard to stop ... find some one who you can trust an adult and talk to them about what is going on . Take everything shard out of ur bedroom... write... find something eles to do when you think about doing that . Listen to upbeat music and aviod sad depressing music . I hope this helps

  3. there's always the pop the rubber band trick

    that's all i can recommend because that's what i did and i just stopped.

    i didn't wanna talk to someone and i don't think you do either.

    -liz (not my account) account)

  4. put a rubber band on ur wrist and when u go to cut, cut it instead. start to find a new way to let out anger. i use music. i listen to it or write it instead of cutting. you may want to see a therapist to help you. tell someone about the rape. good luck and dont cut

  5. um my friend dose that and if you have to cut then maybe just cut like a part that wont do alot of damged cuz cutting can kill u~ xoxo ally*

  6. its easy for ppl to say "JUST STOP" they arnt going through wat u r. speak to sum1 u really trust, but frm personal experience the wanting neva goes away u just learn to deal wif it and i just found other vices :(

  7. much emo, try therapist

  8. you got yourself into a very bad habit that you should really try hard to stop. Find something else to do, maybee a sport or something to get your mind of of cutting yourself. I may not give the best answer on how to stop as i never cut myself on purpose.

  9. you've tried to stop yourself and you can't? then you have a problem. you need to tell someone. and you need to tell someone you were raped if you haven't already.

  10. Try attending a local Church, I've personally seen this cure a friend of mine who used to cut a lot.  Good Luck!!!

  11. just stop. Cutting isnt the answer.

  12. I have tryd 2 cut it did help......but it is soon over. My sister did it 4 years and i found her suicide note. She did not kill herself but she came sooooo close to. Try 2 get some help......before it is to late.

  13. seems like ur cutting b/c of everybody not caring and just letting this blow over. talk to somebody else. maybe a friends parent, a teacher, another trusted adult. dont let this idiot get away with this or else it might happen to somebody else. im sure someone can help. i no everybody gonna wanna tell u how dangerous this but it is and u need to get help rite away or as soon as posible. hope this helps

  14. Try talking to supportive people like a friend or a parent or try asking your mom to go to counselling with you.

    Hope I helped :)

  15. see a doc, or get help from a trusted friend...PRONTO! what i'm gonna say is cliche, but cutting is dangerous, find help or other ways to cope with your problem.

  16. you need to take a step past the rape...

    this could take a long time...

    you can do this by reporting it...

    seek medical care, make sure that your safe. get tested. (std's) open up to someone and maybe find something you can  look to emotionally..therapy, a group, anything.

    cutting isn't the way to get over it..its self mutilation. and it isn't healthy at all.

    the best thing you can do it go to someone you trust, or someone you know can help you and start from there... don't bottle up your feelings and don't take it out on your own body. the rape isn't your fault.

  17. ik its easy for ppl to tell you just to stop but they dont know how you are really feeling you probly dont wanna tell anyone so dont if you feel comforterble tell a close friend (trust me a parent would just flip and put you in some mental place) find something else to resort to(i found music) some ppl turn to sports if you feel like cutting just practice or run or sing like hadcore untill the feeling goes away (running is a good way to relese anger)

    hope this helps


         (if you need someone to talk to e-mail me

  18. hunny u need to find someone an adult u respect to go to and talk to rite away dont hurt urself anymore u have only one body plz search help neighbor pasor teacher plz plz go find help my account can chat with u if u add me to your yahoo look at it blessings to u

  19. Getting ride of the razor doesn't help. Believe me, it could drive you to worse like a kitchen knife.

    Put it in a place that is close enough were you can access it easily enough, but far enough so you don't always see it.

    This is about control. And wanting to improve.

    Confide in a friend about how you are feeling and why you are sad or mad enough to slit your wrists.

    Then to slowly back out of it get 10-15 rubber bands and put them on.

    Everytime you feel like cutting snap those.

    Once a week you take off one rubber band. Until none are left.

    If still after that, where youve slowly backed away from it you still feel the need to do it. start with 5 and repeat the process.

    Dont forget to talk to your friend, or pen pal, or whoever, about what your going through and how you feel.

    But make sure that you trust that person completely.

  20. slowly stop and find a different way to deal with it, you dont ALWAYS have to share your feeling with someone! maybe get a diary or search on the internet how to deal with it.

  21. hun, i know exactly what you are going through, i began cutting before i was raped and it worked wonders when it came to emotional pain, really you have to just stop and get professional help, a journal will not help and those who have not been through it think it will... the truth is it just brings up the anger and hurt all over again.  what i did was accept that it happened and got over it, i went to get professional help and thought after a while that i was fine so i stopped, still to this day i do it once in a while.. and it isant the answer, GET HELP and stop find someone you can talk to- and not a friend find an adult, thats been through it, the reason you cant stop is its addictive, the feeling everything, you have to break the addiction before you go past the point of it being stress and emotional relief and go to trying to kill yourself.

  22. I'm really proud of you! It's great that you realize that you need help with this problem.

    You need to talk to someone. Do people know that you were raped? If not, it's time to share this. You can talk to a parent, grandparent, older brother or sister, other relative, close friend, counselor, teacher, coach, stepparent, anyone who cares about you. Who raped you? Have they not been caught and are still part of your life? This can be extremely difficult to live with. And there are people who care about you, even if you think there are none.

    Secondly, you can't quit alone. Cutting is like an addiction, and it starts to control you. You'll need the support of family and friends. Ask them to keep objects that you could injure yourself with out of your reach. If you cut with a friend, tell them that you are quitting and that is final. If you find yourself with the urge to cut again, get a useless block of wood and cut that, snap rubber bands, use a stress ball, chew gum, punch your pillow, whatever helps you.

    I really hope you're able to stop. I know you can do it!!!!

  23. ok the people that say cutting is not the answer and just stop! you just do not kno what your talking about it almost addicting.  i read the other answer and i thought that the wearing soemthing over your wrists to cut instead of your wrists is a good idea but might not exactly workl.  doy uo have any good friends you can talk to that can help you?  ive help at least three or four of my friends stop cutting there wrists and they live a better lifee, you could try cutting your wrists with a little fake plastic knife so it doesnt cut them instead of a real knife so you are getting your anger out but not hurting yourself ina ynway, this may help you to slow down cutting your wrists.  i had another friend always be with me. like i would always talk on the fone with her and come over to her house.  you need to find someone special you can talk to.  if you dont have a good relati9onship with yourr mom you could talk to a really good friend or even talk to a school counsler id ont think they would say anything to anyone as long as you made them pormise it was confidental.  hope this helps!
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