
Slow runner . Help please =(?

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Hey again. =) I need abit of help. =o I'm not a real fast runner in my gym class, and people arent very nice about it. =( It's embarrassing doing laps and people passing you. I'm only 13, but i wanna be able to just run at a good speed. Help? =(




  1. I am so sorry u had to go through the teasing, but im here to help. Ok, first, do you have a workout routine? If you dont, now with it being summer, its a perfect time to start one! Find a local workout center, where you can lift weights, swim, and run. Maybe have a friend tag along, or make a race to push you your hardest. at home if you have stairs, do calf raises(look up directions for them on google or yahoo). Running can be fun, but don't over do yourself. Take it slow and drink plenty of water. Its not gonna be easy at first-trust me, but think about your goal-passing all those people that used to pass you. that would be so cool,cuz youd get to laugh in their face. Get motivated. Find a sport you love and stick w/ it. Try track and field. Take my personal experience. My 100 mtr dash time in 6th grade was 18.6(very suckish), and at the end of 7th grade, it 13.9! Track pushed me really hard, cause ya have to keep up with the pack, but theres somethin for everone at track. I made sectionals twice, so you can to. keep trying your best. Any questions or comments, e-mail me! :)

  2. quick feet,

    pump your arms

  3. Obviously you aren't getting enough training and practice just during p.e. class. You need to take some time say 3 times a week have your parents drive you to your local high school's track and practice running what you normally run in p.e. class. In the begining jog/run as far as you can without stopping. Do this everytime and try to get a little farther than you did the previous time, this will help your stamina. Then do the rest of your workout the best you can. Good luck!

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