
Small slumber party ideas?

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This year for my birthday I want to have a small slumber party with about 6 of my friends (girls only). Now that we aren't really kids anymore and into our early years of highschool, I want to know some good games and ideas for a small fun party together, inlcuding like food and drinks and stuff. Any ideas will help!




  1. NOCK & RUNNN.. its mad funn : )

  2. at my slumber parties mom always made tuna fish sandwiches and egg salad too.  we never had junk food cuz she said we'll all become fat.

  3. Make a big batch of popcorn with lots of butter, get the stack of movies ready!  More typical slumber party activities include makeovers, gossiping, pizza, scrapbooking, beading, and staying up late!


    It’s easy to make 9x13 sheet cake look like a bed.

    Frost with white frosting for the sheet and a solid color

    for the bed spread, Frost snack cakes for pillows and

    graham crackers are added for a head board or bed frame.

    Don’t Forget breakfast in the morning…

    French toast cut with fun cookie cutter shapes. Make your own fresh Fruit Smoothie


    Most often, girls just want to munch. Provide a variety of munchies foods not only at the table, but throughout the party room as well. Try not to over do with sweets, to avoid upset stomachs.

    Veggies and dip


    Juice, water and soda.

    Serve chocolate and cheese fondue. The night before the party make ice cubes with juice. Add to 7-up for a special drink.


    ~Marshmallow Toss~

    Lay a line of tape on the floor. Six feet from tape, set up a row of mugs, one for each guest. Line guests up behind tape, facing mugs. Give each guest some miniature marshmallows. Set timer for three minutes. See who can throw the most marshmallows into her mug. Make sure no one steps over the line!

    ~I Have Never~

    This game is a more innocuous version of the “truth” part of Truth or Dare. Every guest is given the same number of small candies. Guests then take turns making truthful statements that begin with “I have never…” Each guest that has done the stated activity must eat one of their treats, and the guest who runs out of candy last is the winner.

    In addition to these group games, it is wise to provide several board games so guests can stay awake longer & have fun.

    Alternative Activities:

        * Craft projects, especially decorating slippers, pillowcases, or other sleepover items

        * Movie marathons

        * Personalized food bars, such as make your own pizza or make your own sundaes

        * Dress up play for younger guests

        * Karaoke contests

        * Telling ghost stories with each guest adding to the same tale

        * Beauty makeovers

    Enjoy!!! :)

  4. a game that we used to always play is never have i ever.

    or a circle of truth [anyone can ask anything they want, and if you don't answer you have to leave the "circle" and you can't know the answers]

    you could play chubby bunny.

    go outside and play music really loud, it's always fun for some reason.

    anything that your group of friends and yourself find fun!

    food, basically just pizza and chips, brownies, a cookie cake, stuff like that.

  5. games: DDR [dance dance revolution], truth or dare, nail polish and blahhh, watch ur favorite movie(s), dance with a flashy light and techno music, pull some pranks or prank calls, run outside like retards really loud and wake everyone up :D

    food and drinks: sprite, pepsi, rockstar and monster energy drinks, buffalo wings [everyone like buffalo wings :D], pizza, some cake, chips such as doritos, lays, cheetos, and even like some fruit salad.  that S**t is gooooood.

    hope i helped.

  6. Okay.


    happy birthday!

    Get your girlfriends to come over at about 3.30pm.

    everyone get set up with blankies, pillows, everyone into their dorkiest flannel pyjamas!

    play some fun party games -

    dance dance revolution

    truth or dare,

    dance with a flashy light and techno music!

    pull some pranks or prank calls and knock and run (knock on doors then run away)

    at night when its dark and really late run into the street and go crazy and take wild pictures.

    - for breakfast the next morning im assuming you wont wake up until about 12. buy pre-mixed pancake stuff so you can just throw it on the pan!

    or me and my friends have a personal fave,

    fruit smoothies its a great pick-me-up for those

    'i didnt even drink but feel like ive got a hangover' mornings!

    we have done a few from this site, and they are all really delish!

    here are our faves:

    pinapple is really refreshing -

    2. peach and strawberries -

    and this one really works too -

    they are all easy tomake and again

    GREAT wake-ups

    if you have as much ice-cream, cookies, chocolate and junk as i described you'll be off sugary and chocolately foods for a few days anyway! those great smoothies guarentee that you wont feel hungover!

    4.40 - watch a movie

    6.30 - make pizzas! mini-pizzas!

    do makeovers.

    my sister and her girlfriends do this.

    make sure you're in the bathroom.

    you have one girl assigned to something.

    they have..

    girl 1 - washes hair, dries hair, styles hair.

    girl 2 - waxes legs, underarms if wanted, fake tans if wanted

    girl 3 - hand manicure and hand massage

    girl 4 - foot pedicure and foot massage

    girl 5 - makeup cleanses skin and everything, moisturisers, and then does makeup- but  well.

    girl 6 - helps around or is the girl in the chair depending how many you have and if she is the helper, girl 7 is beautified!

    Then take turns so everybody gets a chance at doing everything and being beautified.

    then eat pizzas

    watch more movies all night and eat ice-cream and chocolate.

    play more games if wished

    its always a hit!

    Food - mini pizzas or you can do mini spring rolls and dim sims, party pies and sausage rolls, plus ice-cream, cookies, cookie-dough.

    drinks - soft drinks and keep water handy its always good for 4am 'i need something that hasnt been in a machine' lol

    hope this helps and good luck with the slumber party

    rent chick flick movies - here are some personal faves

    1. Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1997)

    2.In her shoes

    3. Thelma and Louise

    4. Breakfast at Tiffany's

    5. Pretty woman

    6. Bridget Jones diary

    7. Love Actually

    8. terms of endearment (LOVE THIS)

    9. Bend it like Beckham

    10. Now and then

    11. Mean girls

    or any others that you girls just love!

    again have fun and enjoy yourself. xo

    the day after sleep in then go out ice-skating or something if you're not too tired.!

  7. Have a theme party, check this website for more ideas

  8. Twister

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