
Small swimming pool troubles?

by  |  earlier

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I bought one of those 1300 gallon pop up pools and I am having a hard time keeping the chemicals at the right levels. I just can't seem to get on a good schedule with it.

I followed the directions on the started kit of chemicals I bought but they are very vague.

Right now the PH, Bromine, alkalinity and stabilizer are ok but the chlorine is low. I shocked it last night but the chlorine still is low. Last time I doulble shocked it the PH wend crazy high.

The water is a little bit cloudy too.

Any advice for me?




  1. hhmmmmm i dont really know maybe return it and if you cant , sell it

  2. Make sure your chemicals are compatible. If you are using Bromine then check the other chemicals you are using to adjust Ph and alkalinity. If they are for chlorine then you will have to change them a bromine type.

    All pool places will do a water sample test for you if you bring in a container of the water. They will prob talk you into spending more money for different chemicals. But sometimes you can learn alot from the water test results.

  3. We a have a 15 foot and fought constantly with chlorine the cloudiness is dissolved organic material or undissolved chlorine.I would run the filter continuously but remove the filter and rinse out every day till it clears up clarifier might help.If I followed the instructions on ours it was screwed all the time I gave up and only add chlorine twice a week,we do have a floater with tablets but it won't keep the chlorine as high as it should be ,They just have so much sun exposure the chlorine won't stay up if you dump enough in it goes cloudy.We have had it up for four years I only fought with it the first.

  4. lots of sunlight will cause chlorine to be low.  after you shock, get a floating thing that holds the 1" or 3" tablets.....i had the same problem until i added the floater.

  5. Do you have a pump to circulate the water??? If you do are you sure it is enough for the pool.

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