
Smile on your brother and sister?

by  |  earlier

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Why can’t it be like in the 60’s? Where everyone stuck together and fought the monopoly? Why is it that us the ‘little person’ are fighting each other? Doesn’t it make you wonder?

Why was it that everyone in the 60’s were so liberated and connected? Why was it that is they saw injustice they would speak up, why isn’t this so prevalent today? Why can’t everyone just come ride the peace train together no matter their s*x, creed, race etc ?




  1. Smile on your brother and sister----let's get together and love one another right now. Great song!

    Yes, I understand what you are saying and have wondered about why the little person is fighting with the other little persons. I think it has to do with competition for resources. There are more people competing for them (whatever the resources are--could be anything!) People are taught from an early age to compete for resources and the more one "wins" the more they are of value to others and then to themselves.

  2. being military...all I can think of is how poorly our hero's where treated.  How a lot of that has spilled into this war.  I cant say I'm thrilled with the idea of bring back the anger and hate toward my brothers and sisters.  

  3. I'm prettty sure there was an enormous American social battle in the 60s. Womens Lib, civil rights, anti-war.

    Very contentious times.

  4. Are you high?

    *haha cool Monkey jumps on the peace train :-D

  5. Wow, u must have drunk a lot. I think u should stop drinking now...

    About ur question... we cant do that cause the big people dont want us to. They just want to make money out of it. Its not gonna change, cause everyone just wants to live their own lives happiy so they dont go and mind other people's business which could get them killed. Plus with the state of the world at the moment, people dont really feel that patriotic or get any surge of justice.

  6. Tell it like it is (was) Sister!

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