
Smoked weed, extremely

by Guest58561  |  earlier

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I've been dizzy over two hours & im scared. My muscles keep jumping & its hard 2 talk & feels heavy to breathe..PLEASE HELP?!

whats wrong n how to stop it.




  1. you should of just OD and got it over with

  2. honestly there's nothing wrong with you

    thats all normal

    you'll start getting common sense back soon and it'll all get back to normal

  3. Weed SHOULD NOT cause any of that to happen. Chances are either your weed was laced with something else, or you're having an allergic reaction. You should really get yourself to the hospital, and find someone straight that you can trust to get you there. Marijuana just doesn't do that to people, so something very serious could be wrong. Get to a hospital.

  4. OMG call the hospital! no joke! that happened to my dad and if I had not called 911 he prob would have died...they said I was extremely lucky.

    CALL 911 NOW!!!!

  5. dude your fine.

    it was just prolly laced with something.

    if you smoke alot you'll get the twitches, (muscles jumping) happens to me too.

    thats why you shouldnt smoke yourself out of your mind. just smoke until your high.

  6. you might be allergic. was this your first time smoking? if not could have been from the gross pesticides people use when growing it?

    sounds like you need to go to the er if those symptoms don't stop soon.

  7. well, just stop smoking weed. No offense but its your mistake for smoking in the first place. Go to a doctor or something.

  8. Calm down , drink some water and relax.  This weird feeling should pass...if it doesnt go away in about 4-6 hours and you havent smoked anymore then start to think about going to the ER.  Seriously the docs and nurses see this all the time and will not judge you.

  9. dude im pro at smoking dont worry its ok when this happend it means you are really baked or high, soon you will throw up =/ im sorry but if you do it again this wont happen =)

  10. you shouldnt have smoked weed... thats stupid... there is nothing you can do... you have to just wait it out... unless it was laced with another drug... then get some help

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