
Snake Bite?

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What is the first thing a person should do if they were bitten by a snake? I have always heard it is best to suck out the poision, but how do you do that?




  1. you have to identify what snake bit you, so pay attenetion what it looks like. it helps to look into what kinda snakes are local to you, other wise you gotta sit it out. with out the proper id they cant give you antivenom sence it is made up of snake venom it would make you worse if you receaved the wrong one.

  2. It depends...

    It depends on what species of snakes that bite you actually. If you're bitten by non-venomous species like boa constrictors or kingsnakes or milksnakes, you've got nothing to worry about. Just clean the wound with flowing water and alcohol to desinfect and that's it.

    If you were bitten by venomous species (since there are no poisonous snakes), you need to know what kind of species that bite you. Every species of snake has different venom. Cobras have neurotoxin venoms while vipers have hemotoxin venoms and they're different in treatment. So you need to know what venomous species live in your area.

    Mostly the general rule if you're bitten by venomous snakes is this:

    1. Do not panic as this can accelerate your blood flow and make the venom goes faster to your whole body

    2. Place your bitten area lower than your heart

    3. Well then of course save the victim from additional damage or bite. Of course if the victim is still within the snake's attack range. You don't want him/her to get additional bites.

    4. Remove anything that may get stuck if the infected tissue happens to swell (e.g. bracelets, rings, and so on)

    5. Do not let him/her eat or drink anything, especially with alcohol. Alcohol is a vasodilator and makes the venom gets absorbed faster.

    Hope this helps ^^

  3. its actually not good to suck the venom out of a snake bite.  cutting where the snake bite wound is causes more trauma to the person that was bitten not to mention that during panic like that you could cut too deep and cause some major bleeding and it really does no good.  (people used to say to cut where the bite is and then suck the venom out)

    make sure the person that got bitten stays as calm as possible because panic makes the heart rate go up which makes the blood flow faster moving the venom through the body faster.  dont do anything that would cause their heart rate to go up...dont pour anything on the wound like rubbing alchocol (more pain faster heart rate) of course get to the hospital ASAP.   if you dont know what kind of snake has bitten the person remember as much detail about the snake as possible for the ER, if you have a camera take a picture of it...that may sound stupid but if you are totally unsure what kind of snake it was and the snake is still around taking its picture will help the ER staff identify it so that the person gets the right anti venom.  

    if you are a long way out from the ER you can apply a "pressure bandage" by wrapping in the direction away from the heart.  if the person was bitten on the hand start about 2 or 3" above the elbow and work in the direction toward the hand.  do not make this too tight as to totally cut off circulation you just want to slow down the venom.  a pressure bandage should only be used as a very last resort because if it is done too tight you could totally cut off circulation and if it is left on too long the person could lose the limb.  the main thing is to keep the victim calm.

  4. Definitely do not attempt to suck the poison out, you have the chance of your condition worsting do to the fact that the poison will be around your mouth, go to the doctor immediately so they can find out what snake bit you and give you anti-venom if it was poisonous.
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