
Snowboarding Spins?

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I snowboard regularly and the season just started up again. I ride goofy, and can jump and land fine, I can throw a grab too, but I'm not sure which way I feel more comfortable spinning. Which way is easier to learn on? I am goofy, so I don't know if I should be spinning to my left or to my right. Any help for a beginner at aerial spins would help..




  1. This answer is the easiest way regardless of regular or goofy (my 10 year old rides goofy so this is just as normal as ever).

    You should rotate your board so that the tail of the board is rotating toward the fall line (down the hill) when you first launch into your spin - this will always give you maximum time to complete your rotations.

    If you are going off a park jump and already pointed straight down the hill it is usually easier to rotate the direction you are facing.

    Good luck

  2. Ok man we are a dying breed but I am also a goofy rider and I had the same problem...BUT what you should do is...try both of them with 180's....your going to fall but who doesnt....since you already know how to jump and land...just go off the jump on edge...toe if your spinning counter clockwise, and heel for clockwise, and just turn your head and look down for your landing and your body will follow. After this see which way felt more comfortable and just keep hitting it, the only way to perfect your spins is to do em.
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