
So Bored???????

by  |  earlier

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I'm home, alone, My mum has gone to a party till 12pm, what can I do till then




  1. go to vegas and get married...your mum will never leave you alone again!!

  2. pretty much in the same mom is comming home on all i can do is play games on the u can call a friends of urs, play games and also watch movies

  3. you can watch TV. go out and have fun, come on, is this even a real question?

  4. Im soooooo bored too been home alone since 4pm its now 5.25 and ive got till like half 6 of doing nothing:( lol

    Urmm you could

    invite some friends over

    watch a film on

    Go for a walk or something lolx

  5. Take all of your clothes out of the wardrobe and fill a bin bag with those that you don't wear.  Take them to the charity shop or if they are worn out, just throw them in a clothes recycling bin.  It's a good excuse to get some new clothes.

  6. Im the same, sooo bored at work in a shop which gets no customers!! I find myself watching the clock, texting my friends, reading a magazine when I have one, people watching out of the window, general tidying and stopping for snacks passes only SOME of the time :( Thank god Im off work tomorrooow!!!

  7. call a friend

    write a letter

    make cookies

    color a picture! :)

    sun tan

    that's all I can think of  right now...

  8. Read book or go to sleep, you also can stay with us and answer as many question as you can for the points

  9. Shopping

    call a friend


    board games




    play outside

    go outside

    go swimming

    go for a run

    hang out with a friend


    give yourself a spa treatment

  10. go on' msn,dependin how old u are! organise sumthing wif ur m8s n if u dnt hav or arnt alowd msn then go on ebuddy:)!

    im 12 on mams pc so hope this helps:p

  11. play on the computer like you are now

  12. make a large papier maiche yak
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