
So I have noticed...?

by  |  earlier

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That in my school every single g*y guy (even the closeted ones) have a man purse(messenger bag) instead of a normal backpack. This includes me I have a man bag. Its just seems funny. Oh and don't answer saying that "Oh thats only a stereotype. Stereotypes are bad." Because you know what? I really don't care and all stereotypes have some truth to them. Sure they may not apply to everyone but that still doesn't stop it from having some truth to it.

So the question is:

Do you have a man bag or other (specify)?

And to the girls what do you carry your stuff in?




  1. i carry my things in my backpack...  

  2. back pack = in the 'hood, U gotta keep your hands 'free' !!!

  3. i have a normal backpack but the arms are really loose so it hits my bum as i walk!!!(no rude intentions in mind!!).but i really do prefer messenger bags

  4. messenger bag... but I don't carry it around all day. I just throw it in my locker and take it home each day.

  5. O_o uhh.i put my books in my bookbag and carry a purse...

  6. I have a backpack; they're just easier for me to use and store.  BUT!  There is a g*y guy in one of my classes who uses the murse!  There's definitely a connection.  I don't care what anyone says.  I've noticed it.  And you know what?  Those man purses are more fashionable and professional than backpacks.  Still, I just gots a backpack...

  7. I don't know how a man purse looks like. Can anyone tell me?

    Anyway, I am not allowed to use a book bag (or purse, which I find a bit wired) in my schoo. But I am a llowed a binder.

  8. Nope I use a gym bag to carry my stuff in.

    You know, its like a pouch with strings so  you can put it on your back.

  9. If I were still in high school or college I would have a backpack.  

    Right now, I just carry a wallet in my back pocket. :-)

  10. LOL I totally agree with you most of the g*y kids at my school have the man purse..but I don't I have a school bag it's all cool black and teal and it says "PCHS RAIDERS" on it with a pic of the raider dude (I just wanted to describe it lol)  

  11. Cool.  murses rule!

    I am a grown L*****n, and I wear cargo shorts and pants.... that's where I store stuff
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