
So I need help on turtles.

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My guy friend has just bought a turtle &nd he has only some clues how to care for it. He cannot afford to buy all the expensive filters &nd such. How can he raise the turtle in a home environment? Please no sarcastic or mean answers. I am really looking for help here. I believe it is a softshell turtle.




  1. Gosh honey, I wish I had a 'canned' answer for you.  But each turtle (especially softshells... I used to keep these guys and love that odd nose and long neck - I would still be doing them if life hadn't worked out the way it did...) needs different things for diet and heat, depending on where it comes from in the country or world.

    Some species are pretty much like the rest, but others have more specific criteria to keep them healthy.

    Without knowing what you have?  I can only guess, and those would be LONG answers (hears a million other posters sigh in agreement).

    You need to google water turtles of the world, and find out what you have.  And from there, find out what it needs to be healthy and live.

    It is never a good thing to "get a turtle, cause I think it's cool."

    They need UVB, etc.  And a basic starting setup is usually around $250.

    I wish I had a quick fix answer for you.  I'm sorry I can't help.

    Do what you can, and if he can't buy the equipment he needs for the reptile - talk him into giving it away where it can get the care it needs.

    Good luck.  I know this is a tough situation.

  2. well if its a slider than you really need to spend some money for a tank, water heater, and uv light or give it away.  without the above the turtle will not live. it will die slowly and painfully.  If you already have a large enough tank the the uv light and water heater should only cost a hundred dollars or less.  

    aquatic turtles should be fed live foods like crickets and mealworms.  they also need to be fed pellet foods high in calcium and vitamin a.

    the tank should be cleaned once a week.

    hope this helps

  3. IF its a ..Sliders, Cooters , painted ,map and yellow bellied are require the same care and feeding. I have two that are 36 yrs old!! Plus an 8 and 5 yr old.

    I have had them in a pond for about 6 yrs now..

    **Here is some important and a lot of info. Get feeder guppies or small feeder goldfish, frozen brown worms ..even meal worms. For the lil guys (under an inch and a half)you may have to cut up there food.


    They need a big tank and filter system or they will get sick if their water is not clean..

    You can use a kiddy pool like I did before my pond. If you want me..

    They need to bask at least 8 to 10 hrs a day.

    Once again they NEED  feeder goldfish and guppies and or minnows daily. Leafy greens like butterr lettuer and or romaine a few times a week.

    TOSS in a bird cuttle bone in the water for calcium. it will dissolve real slow and if they eat it that’s fine!!

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