
So I was wondering.............?

by  |  earlier

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Has a declaration of war ever been set forth for Iraq? If so, were we informed about it( i don't remember hearing anything) if not, why was there not one set forth?




  1. Why ask now ? there's still a war going on wrong or right , that question should have been asked before the war , and who would of told you  "a citizen "  of this declaration , still considering it was never asked.  And you would never get a truthful answer by anyone in government is there ever a noble way to tell anyone that their land there home there way of living is about to go under attack , and they agree , what would it matter now the damage is done and lives have still been lost  there are somethings that just don't matter if change can't be made Prayer is all we can ever do one to another God bless.

  2. Maybe it wasn't RP's legislation that was passed....however, it doesn't matter now, the surge(McCain's) worked.

  3. There was a U.N. resolution authorizing the use of force, and a Congressional resolution allowing the President to make the move.

    It's all very recent history, easily available on the internet!

  4. Yes there was, back in 2003

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