
So i look young?????

by  |  earlier

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i hate having no respect because i look young

i try and make myself look older as much as i can

but do you ever get that

do people ever make you feel this way?




  1. I'm 16 and only 4'8, so a lot of people think I'm like 12 or 13. I used to work at a restuarant as a busgirl and people would actually ask me if I was old enough to work! And sometimes if I was working late on the weekends and the people who were drinking at the bar were drunk, sometimes they would be like, 'how old are like like 12'? And they would laugh! But my cousin says I only look a year younger than my actually age.

  2. um yeah!

    my sister (like everyday) and other ppl that think that i cant do something because I'm to young

    i mean sometimes i totally understand and get where they r coming from but other times its just like huh?

    i totally know what your going thru and i think shouldn't try 2 make ur self look older but just try 2 prove that u can do what theyre sayin u cant

  3. Yes.  I had my leg in a cast and my husband and I had to go shopping.  So I got in one of their motorized carts to do my shopping in and one of the managers yelled at me saying "You have to be 18 to ride one of those!"  Imagine their surprise when I told them I was over 30....

  4. If you look younger than your age, people make a judgment about you. (It doesn't matter if you have the vocabulary like the Webster's dictionary. They would just think you are a young kid with a big vocabulary.)

    The thing of it is, it might be crappy now that you are a bit young. Once you get older, and you are the only one that still looks 10 years will see the coolness in the situation. People are always going to be judgmental about something. Don't let their ignorance get to you (if you can help it!)  

  5. People wouldn't think that if you expanded your vocabulary and talked professionally with adults. Forget about looking older, it's about acting older. Most older people have maturity, and I'm pretty sure that's what you're lacking.

  6. do you act your age or r u immature? You should be glad that you look young cuss when you get old you still look young and think about the people that will look way older than you and u will still have that young look
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