
So if it is fake then...............???

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i know i kinda asked this already but could it be possile that real life could be a dream? what do you think? nobody knows for sure but i just want to hear what other people think of it. if you think that it is, do you see life different or do you just enjoy it?




  1. Since we only perceive the world through our senses, and it is (of course) possible that our senses are lying to us, it is never possible to know whether the world exists or not.

    Rene Descartes considered this in his Principles of Philosophy (in 1644), and it was he who said "Cogito, ero sum" ("I think, therefore I am").

    Basically, this means you can only be certain of your own existence.

    Prior to Descartes, Plato and Aristotle also considered similar things, and drew similar conclusions.

  2. studenthelper-

  3. if life is a dream then so far iv been living in a nightmare!!!

  4. Here is a curveball for the creationists - in Genesis, when Adam fell asleep for God to remove his rib to make woman, it never says that he woke up again, we just assume he did wake up. Don't believe me, look it up.

    Sooooo...that technically means life and women are in our dreams.

    Row, Row, Row you boat, gently down the stream...merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream. :-)

  5. No. Life is not a dream.


    theres aparantly a 20 percent chance we live in the matrix

  7. It is possible that our world is just a simulation.  But if so, it is one so complete, so astonishingly rich, consistent and seemingly boundless that it is a world unto itself.  In that case, what difference does it make?  It is the world we know, exist in, and interact with.  Simulation (which I doubt) or real matter, energy, space and time it's all the same to us.  

  8. Reality of life is not a dream nor fantasy, it is not fake coz' it's real & it's what is truly happening to one's daily routine.

    So just enjoy & be contented with what ya have, work hard to be successful in life so you would be hapy & worry free living in this world.

    Good times bro

  9. It is often a glorified fantasist idealism that life could be a dream. To compare the actuality (as we experience life for 'real') to an experienced phenomena (a dream) is a reverse of logic. We experience dreaming through living our lives therefore a dream is an intrinsic part of our conception of 'life' How can it be that life is a dream, when life creates dreams?

    Secondly, you should ask yourself that given that life is a dream - what difference would it make, should this statement be true? The definition of life is in what we experience, therefore to attribute life as a dream is to contradict what the difference between living and dreaming is in the first place, thus it is impossible to consider.

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