
So this guy keeps texting me...?

by  |  earlier

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I never gave him my number to call me personally but he got it and just started calling and texting me which is ok but then he tells me he's bored so I ask if that's why he is texting me? He says "why else would I text you?" WTF?




  1. When i'm bored, I text people too, but I would guess he has a crush on you or he wouldn't even be bothered.  

  2. I think he is probably lonely or he has a huge crush on you or maybe he just likes talking to you as a friend. I'm pretty sure he likes you though.

  3. He likes you and he's playing hard to get.  

  4. He sounds like a loser 1) He has nothing to do but text people ? 2) He said that kinda c**p to ya....ditch him and get a new number

  5. Your response should be: "I don't know why, please tell me."

  6. He sounds kind of creepy. I'd tell him to stop bothering you.

  7. maybe he was just kidding.he probably wouldn't go through all that trouble to get your number if he didn't want to talk to you.

  8. ok you need to not text him back or answer his calls. he will get the hint.

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