
So this it pretty much important!?

by  |  earlier

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so i decided to try to pierce my bellybutton with a safety pin.

i've done it a million times to myself, and to my friends.

well.... i noticed that i have little lines kinda streaking from it... and that it was hurting.

(note: i did NOT put the saftey pin through, only through the skin layer...)

and so i got some alcohal and put it on there. then i put some peroxide on there.

and it bubbled/

and turned white.

so pretty much, is this normal with a piercing?

cause ive never noticed it do that before.




  1. Peroxide usually turns white and bubbles in the presence of germs. This shows that it is working. If the pain doesn't go away or gets more severe, I would see a doctor. Try using Neosporin.

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