
So what are your views on.......?

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Facebook i hate it. Its c**p, but i just cant stay off it!





  1. its addictive.. and very dangerous. At first i didn't care much about it. But since i read this book called "catch the predators".. i realize how much danger it is to it. I think i might be okay for a grown adult. But young kids.. no way. Young children are easy to minipulate, especially since facebook is a website to meeting new people.. and i hate how many times young kids are being rape, murder and assult due to online people who pretend to be someone they are not.

  2. I've never visited facebook, so thanks for the tip.  If it's just so c**p, what have they done to your brain to make you want to keep coming back?

    Pluck that out and you'll be back to normal again.  Back in the really bonkers world with the rest of us.

    Trick is to not let the loonies take over the asylum - i sometimes wonder if they have!!!  you get that sometimes?

  3. Boring as h**l , i personally don't like it, and the other one MS is worse ,that's a place for old men to try to pick up young girls the pervs , lol...

    Can i have the 10 points please , im trying to get to the next level before im 90 , lol...thanks.

  4. I don't like it. It got old. Really fast. But it is addicting to some because provides a lot of things we like but hate to admit we like.

  5. yeah it is c**p

    but i guess its more personal than MYSPACE, which is filled mostley with bands or people pretending 2b famous ppl

    its annoying that u cant decorate your profile like myspace though!

    im a "yahoo answers" addict

  6. It is scarily addictive.

    I try everyday not to succumb.. but oh the call of the demon mother is strong!

    That or I'm just a little bored and nosey :D

  7. Well it's cool to pass time, but I never would want to get addicted to it. I rather spend time actually meeting people in person, through different social events and with friends. People can be whoever they want on the internet and of course it's entertaining but I don't want to live too much of my life through the screen. You know just spend a couple of hours than go do other things or get some other hobbies you can balance the two it's nothing to be ashamed of.

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