
So why did Hillary win?

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So why did Hillary win?




  1. Because she wept like a brow beaten baby!

  2. I think she played the gender card again, and it worked.

  3. The Smell of Coffee was mighty strong after Iowa!

  4. Because she deserves it and a better candidate!!!!

  5. Played the gender card.

  6. Crocodile tears. She sickens me.

  7. 3% is a narrow victory, however, she is not a "True" winner as she and Obama both get 8 state candidate electoral votes.

  8. Because people saw her as more human. Barack is still tied with her, so it won't really be clear til after 2/5.

  9. For almost a year now Hillary was considered the leading contender, the presumptive nominee, because she came to the party with the most money.  But this was just smoke and mirrors.  Our whole view of the race changes as soon as some people actually -vote-, and that happened in Iowa.  It's a whole new ball game.

    The first three big primaries are Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. She lost Iowa, to everyone's surprise.  She's almost certain to lose in South Carolina because about 50% of the Democratic voters there are black and will favor Obama, and John Edwards is -from- there!

    So under the circumstances her people felt it was important to win New Hampshire, and they pulled out all the stops. If she lost the first three big primaries she'd be -through-.

    She didn't win big, though.  In fact I don't believe all the votes are even in.  So she might be worse off than we think.

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