
Social security??

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why do we even have this?..every other country is fine without it.. social security is just another thing in life to worry whts really the point?




  1. i am retired..i collect social security plus a retirement check..i paid into social security for over 35 yrs..i deserve it..same as my retirement check..

  2. Every other country as you say is fine without it? Do your home work. You must be very young and have much to learn to ask this question. Point being, you will be old some day and wish you had it coming if you have paid into it. I always thought it would not be there when I needed it. I was sure wrong in that thinking and darn glad I was. At 4 bucks a gallon it is saving my hide. Who could prepare for that. Even tho the system is highly abused by gold brickers it still works. It just needs some change.

  3. Tell it to the millions of people living on social security only.

  4. Some countries take a lot more out of one's check for social security than the united states does.

  5. I am 67 and my wife is 62. We both draw it and so far I am way ahead of what I and my employers paid in. On fixed incomes from our other retirement packages it would be tough to sustain the quality life we worked so hard for. But the SS needs change. The money has been directed into places it does not belong. Also the Free loaders that play " unable to work "should be kicked off.  Truly disabled people should receive it. Privatizing it is not the answer either. Bush wanted to put it into the stock market. Oh Ya , I can see some big time corruption there! The point is , if you pay in and the system gets overhauled, it is a good thing to look forward to.

  6. It is a revenue source for our federal government.  Last year, it collected 884 billion in social security taxes and disbursed 569 billion in social security payments.  The amount that was disbursed was due to a contract made with the people who paid the taxes all of their lives, so we can't just tell them we will no longer pay them.

    It would take decades to stop the Social Security program, and the government would be required to give some sort of reimbursement for all of the funds that they are supposedly using for the retirement security of the people who are currently paying into the fund.

    The truth is, the social security surplus is used as a way to reduce the amount of national debt every year.  

    The government has revenues of $1.2 trillion in direct income taxes each year, and $884 billion in social security taxes.  Corporate, import, and other taxes are about $350 billion each year.  

    If we didn't have social security, it would have dire consequences.Until the 1960s, corporate taxes made up over half of all government revenue.  Now, it is only  about 11%.  Since corporate taxes have shrunk to 1/5 of their former level, the difference in revenue has largely been compensated for by the rise in social security surpluses.

  7. it's a record like social security tells how manytimes u got pulld over and for what if u have bad cridit if ow people money like the bank

  8. Before 1936 there was no Social Security and therefore it was very hard for many people fo the "working" class to retire.  My aunt who is 93 says that that she remembers as a kid  born in 1915 that older people when they could no longer work had often times to depend on their children for help.  Social Security was a forced way of savings for people who had low salaries and could not amass a lot of savings over the hard years of early last century and this gave them a safety net for when they retired.  So along with maybe a small company pension and any savings that people were able to get then the Social Security payments helped many people to stay self sufficient in their retirement years.  

    That is why we have it.  The Govenment corrupted it by stealing from the surplus fund and taking money for congress's pet projects and leaving a bunch of paper IOU's in the basket as they say.  You know that the government never repays anything back and so each time the amount of a person's salary was raised as the taxable amount.
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