
Sociology of THE SELF?

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There are so many people, pretty and not so pretty, that truly hate who they are and/or have become.

Do you fall in this typology?

If so, why?




  1. No. You can reevaluate your life as many times as you want, and change course whenever you feel its necessary. I have reinvented myself as the need arises, but not lost who I am at the heart. I think women, especially, are good at this, because society puts them in a position of serving others, so they wear many hats.

    Regardless of looks, we can all find love. And if you have found love, and returned love, and given self-lessly, then you should never hate who you are or have become.

    Being true to yourself, and compassionate to others is the key.

  2. Nope ,I am socio1%er I just cant stand fluffy,cream and jaded
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