
Sociology paper on Revenge.?

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I am writing a mock newspaper article for my sociology class in which I must list real life examples/stories of revenge. I need at least 25 examples but only 10 will go into my article. Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated :)




  1. The first thing that came to mind was the story of the woman who drove over her husband, killing him, over and over again - after finding out he cheated on her.

    I'm sure you could write a whole paper on infidelity - it often leads to revenge murder and other crimes.

  2. I saw a TV show this week about Herod who was ruler at the time of Jesus. He was a prolific builder but a cruel person. When he was told there would be another king (Jesus) he had all male children slaughtered so he wouldn't be replaced. He murdered his own two sons, and before his death he ordered that all the people that helped him rule be put to death. Fortunately they wern't.

    He built the Jewish temple but was not allowed in it. So he cut off a mountain top and built a palace up there so he could look down into the temple courtyard.

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