
Sociology question????

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I need a little help with this question. Describe the major components of social stratification as they relate to both global and American social class structure, including the issues of poverty, race and gender.

I'm hoping that someone can just help me understand it a little better. I mean just seeing the words social stratification makes me confused, maybe its because I dont have a clear understanding of the meaning. Thanks in advance




  1. I hope this helps:

    In sociology, social stratification is the hierarchical arrangement of social classes, castes and strata within a society. While these hierarchies are not universal to all societies, they are the norm among state-level cultures (as distinguished from hunter-gatherers or other social arrangements).

    According to Peter Saunders,[1] in modern Western societies, stratification depends on social and economic classes consisting of three main layers: Upper class, Middle class, and Lower class. Each of these is further broken into smaller classes relating to profession. The term stratification is derived from the geological concept of strata, or layers of rock created by natural processes. Social strata seem to be more fluid than rock strata, however.

  2. Stratification refers to the unequal distribution of reward among members of a society. Like gender, age or race.  It has to do with -property -power -prestige.

    Stratification also ties into the social structure. (Social class: low,middle,high)  It can also contribute to a person's status.  (Based on earning, did you work hard in college to make our money or did you inheritiyour social rank).

    In simple terms: are you being treated unequally becuse of age, gender, race or social rank.
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