
Socks off.................

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What could i say or do to get my teenage sons friend to take his smelly socks off when he visits. Its not really my place to tell him his feet smell and my son wont do it either and telling him your not allowed to wear socks in the house wont work cos we all will be.




  1. You would be doing him a favor by telling him in a nice way that his feet smell. He either needs to wash his feet better, has a foot fungus that needs treatment or he may not be changing his socks everyday (wearing the same ones for awhile for some reason). My brother did the socks for more than one day thing ( in his thirties and hated doing laundry)and someone finally had to tell him because we couldn't stand it anymore when he would visit. It would save the friend from a lot more embarrassment if someone just had a heart to heart with him in kind way and in a private moment. Sure, he might be a little embarrassed, but finally realize that something needs to be done.

  2. Just have him keep his shoes on. Simple.

  3. why would you want him to take off his socks anyways, that's disgusting. EEEWWW~!~ you will only expose yourself to the source! lmao....

    buy arm&hammer carpet powder (walmart) and sprinkle it on your carpet where the boys are sitting, and sprinkle some on the kids, just say, oops, sorry!


  4. Tell him:  there is "something wrong" about your socks .. pls don't take them off, and don't take your shoes off either".

  5. It might be even worse if he takes them off....

  6. When he takes his socks the next time you could make a joke out of it in a nice way like "Ewww. I smell feet" and see what he does. This should make him realize that he needs to keep his shoes on.

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