
Soda at restaurants?

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how do restaurants, such as mcdonalds or steak n shake, choose the type of soda they are going to sell? Are their contracts involved or what?




  1. yes

  2. Oh yes there are major contracts involved.  Coke seems to be taking over now.  Over 75% of the time I see Coke products over Pepsi.

  3. Yes there are contracts, in some cases like Pizza Hut, Pepsi owns them and that's all they can sell.

  4. Well, as far as McDonald's goes, I think they choose according to what people will still be willing to purchase after it is watered down. Haven't you noticed how their cola has a unique taste?

  5. Oh yes, they DEFFINATELY have contracts.

    Have you ever heard that you cant put pepsi in a coke fridge? Well its true, in public places.

    Say, you find out, Pepsi is more popular than Coke, and want to sell that in your restaurant then you have to go on a contract saying that you will ONLY sell their product at your restaurant, along with there line of products so say you were selling coke products at your store before, you no longer could sell sprite, or anything else in there line, you would have to switch everything over and sell like Pepsi, and 7up etc, instead.

    So basically you can choose either one side or the other..

    Coke                  or                 Pepsi

    Hope I helped! By the way , If I owned a store i would TOTALLY sell Pepsi! :)


  6. FBI26, that is not exactly how it works.  Coke and Pepsi do not "just somehow hear about a new restaurant" lol.

    A company usually has a contract, let's say McDonalds, and they MUST sell coke products in EVERY restaurant.  

    Now, a NEW restaurant must contact coke or pepsi, whomever they want to be in business with, and they will give them a quote on prices they must pay.

    I know applebees used to have coke products and their contract ran out and they switched over to pepsi.

  7. Contract between Pepsi and Coca Cola.

  8. What happens is this...

    A new store or branch of a restaraunt is opening up. Pepsi and Coke both hear about it. Both companies place bids to the administrative office of the new restaraunt. Said restaraunt managers then decide based on the cost of both bidders which product will best suite their budget by discussing delivery schedules, product maintenance along with price and a service charge. Then based on this information, and their budget allowance they make a decision.

  9. Yes i think that the soda companies pay the sellers to sell their soda
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