
Soft coral question?

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For my boyfriend and my one year I want to get him some corals for his 100 gallon fish tank. I want to spend about 100 but I don't want to buy them online. He has a sailfin tang and a coral banded shrimp that we want to keep. If someone could give me some good ideas of what to get him that would be great. Also, tell me why I should get them for him and I'll give you best answer. Thanks




  1. Corals are a pretty sensitive thing.  I would be going for photosynthetic corals to start.  In otherwords they dont require a lot of feeding.  Mushrooms, Zooanthids etc are a really good start.  Maybe even consider a frogs spawn coral.  In any case, most coral requires good lighting and at least a moderate water flow.  I am currently building up my reef system now after learning lots of hard lessons along the way.

    Lesson 1  You really need a water flow that sees the water turn around in the tank about 20 times per hour.

    Lesson 2. Flouro lights really dont quite cut it for strong coral growth.  You WILL need metal halide lights.  People will say they keep soft coral with flouros but honestly without MH lights your corals may struggle

    Lesson 3 Corals will really tax your calcium and carbonate hardness in your water.  Make sure you are dosing your water and keeping an eye on the levels.

    Lesson 4 Dont buy what looks pretty.  You need to look long and hard at what you are putting in your tank and where in your tank.  Most corals will sting other corals so make sure of placement.

    A previous answer suggested a gift voucher and I think this is a good idea.  But make sure you go to someone who really knows and understands corals not just a LFS that has no real idea.  IMHO corals are more rewarding than fish, but you really need to make sure the tank is set up right and that you do the right think.  Get some expert local adivce first and if possible get the Local tank guy to have a look and evaluate what you need to do to prepare the tank or whether you are ready for corals.

    Trust me, being underprepared can cost you an awful lot in dead coral

    The attached links might help.  Even though it is mail order, it is good reading with lots of feedback on required light and water flow etc

  2. start with some grammar lessons..........

    do you live near the ocean?  go there & collect some

    go  & get guidance from the place that he bought the existing fish

  3. first of all if he doesn't want coral and his lighting is not ready for coral, coral is not for him.  You cannot just buy coral and hope they fit.  A salt tank is personal.  If you are close enough and know where he is going with the tank, fine you should already know.  

    Honestly, get him a gift certificate at the local store where he shops.  Coral isn't like fish and even so, a tank is a delicate ecosystem.  Let him decide not us nor you.  Sorry but that is something unless you are intune with his tank, don't buy him a thing gift cert.  Nice idea, but could backfire more easily.  One type of coral could cost him hundreds in lighting alone.  If you don't know the tank, nor what to get, again gift card  
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