
Solar fan?

by  |  earlier

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does anybody know how to build a solarpower fan?




  1. solar fan!!! :D i love the sun

    um the biggest solar fan!!!

  2. 1. Check the power consumption on a typical fan that runs on mains energy.

    2. Search online for a solar panel that outputs mains current. It has the inverter and step-up transformers already built in. I've seen them online.

    3. Ensure the panel outputs the necessary wattage

    4. Stick the panel in the sun, plug in the fan. It should work

  3. There are a few ways you can no this. For just a small fan like a PC cooling fan.. it needs 12 volts dc. you can get small panels from Radio shack 1.5 volts each I would get 7.

    I got a 12 volt box fan from Wal-Mart in the camping Dept.

    This will a bit larger panel 5 watts or more..
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