
Solar stystem and the surounding area?

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hi people im writing a science fiction story and i would like to know a bit more about the 10 light years around are solar stystem.




  1. Here's some information on our nearest stars:

  2. Put the sun in the center of a cube, that is 10 light years on a side...

    Within this local volume of 1000 cubic light years there are only eleven known stars, including our Sun. Most of these stars are either red dwarfs or are binary star systems. There is no other lone star like our Sun within this enormous volume of space. Our nearest neighbor is Proxima Centauri with its nearby companion double star Alpha Centauri. These stars lie just over four light years away from the Sun and are seen as the three dots directly above the Sun in this image.

  3. try using the new google earth's sky tool I hope it help's

  4. If you want to go exploring the area around our solar system and nearby stars, then I HIGHLY recommend that you install the program, Celestia. It is a completely free piece of software that lets you explore the universe freely in full 3d. If you spend enough time playing with it, you'll see some really cool stuff - eclipses, space probes, stars orbiting each other, etc.

    The key to observing a lot of the universe in motion is to speed up time in the simulation, using the J,K, and L keys, and \ to return to normal time. You can easily see the seasons change on Earth, and watch how the 3 inner Galilean moons of Jupiter are in a 1:2:4 resonance with each other.

    You can zoom out and fly to other stars, and search for stars to visit based on criteria such as "nearest," "brightest," and "has planets." Turn on the orbits display and see how binary stars orbit each other. It's great.

    You can even right-click an object, and choose to view more information about it - Celestia will open a web page about the object for you.

    Here is a list of the nearest stars - read about each of the ones within 10LY, and you'll have your information.

    Remember, writers do lots of research for books. Good luck with your story!

    p.s. If you want to get a really neat view of space around us in Celestia, select the Sun (press H) and then use the mouse wheel to zoom out until it is about 50 or 100 light years away from the camera (watch the distance in the top-left of the screen). Then pan the camera around using the right mouse button and be amazed at how the apparently flat star field comes to life as a 3 dimensional scattering of stars!

  5. 1) i think you're going to have to be a bit more specific than that...

    2) use your local library...

    3) it's "our" solar system, not "are" system....

    4) sorry to be putting you off so much like this, but there's not much else to say.... what exactly do you need to know? can you find it out yourself?

  6. kuiper belt

    ort cloud

    alpha centari A , proxima centari, alpha centari B

    look for closest stars

    there are only like 11 known stars within 10ly

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