
Some Future Plans Of Mine?

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Okay from what i see is that a lot of people are saying its nearly impossible to move to Japan and work there. But what if i'm already learning Japanese at a decent speed and at a descent level? I'm 16 and i'm already considered intermediate, i'm planning on going to College and taking a Language Major I already know English, Spanish and i'm working on Japanese, and Hopefully by the time i graduate i should also know Mandarin, Korean and/or French. I want to become a English Teacher like many others but i also have a back up which is to be a International Flight Attendant. I'm really taking what i want to do seriously and I won't move there until maybe a year or two after i graduate. So do you think I have a decent chance in making it over there? If not what else to you think i should do?




  1. You're missing the major point when it comes to moving to Japan: you need a VISA. No work visa and you're not going to be able to stay longer than three months legally. Moving to Japan is not like moving to another state in the USA! It takes more work than that.

  2. Yes it is very possible to do that. Becoming a flight attendant at an airline that goes to Japan, or becoming an English teacher in Japan are both very easy things to do.

    And if you were planning on getting a different job. You would just need to learn Japanese and major in something else. I don't know what everyone is talking about with all this "it's impossible" c**p, and "closed borders". There are millions of foreigners living and working in Japan and the majority of them aren't as hard working and committed as you sound. If you’re good at something, Japan isn't going to turn you away because you're not Japanese. I've met plenty of people that moved to Japan and had no problems with it. Keep studying hard and you’ll be there in no time.

  3. I don't want to discourage you, so I'll be as optimistic on the topic as possible!

    First off, you know you need a VISA, so that's all good.

    But before moving or being serious about living there, make sure you take a trip or pay a visit there first!! Submerging yourself in their culture will really help with your language too, so see if you can pay a visit anytime soon.

    Make sure you learn the very important kanji symbols- those are beyond neccesary!

    Since you said you're at an intermediate I'd imagine you know Hiragana and Katakana? Brush up on those a bit and make sure you can read them a quick as you can English before thinking about moving there.

    I think that if you keep those things in mind, make sure you can legally (haha), and find a place to live (many apartments will not rent to the non-Japanese!) your dream will become reality. :)

    Just curious, where is it in Japan that you want to live? A city like Tokyo or Kyoto? Or the more rural area?

  4. No. Japan has a very closed immigration policy. You just can't move there. Learning to speak, read and write Japanese is no easy task. And you want to add Chinese and Korean too? Do you know how hard it is to read and write in these languages?There's mistakes in your English!!! You need to remember at least 2,000+ characters just to be able to read a newspaper in Japan. Have you ever been there?I think you're biting off more than you can chew.Sorry.

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