
Some general tips on acting?

by  |  earlier

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I've never actually acted before in a real play and i'm nervous about the auditions in a couple of weeks. I have to sing and do a cold reading, what is that? also, i have been part of the crew in a past production, so i know a little about how acting works, i've just never actually acted.




  1. 1.) Always smileee(: Directors love to see a big hollywood smile.

    2.) A cold reading is when they give you part of the script or a monologue to read without ever looking at it before. They usually give you a second to read it over and thats when you want to think of everything you need to do to make that script amazing, like movement, differences in your voice, etc.

    3.) When your singing always do a song from a musical (Wicked, Oklahoma, Cinderella, ask your parents about good songs too) Have some movement to go along with it, don't just stand there and sing.. practice in front of a mirror moving a certain parts and use the stage.

    4.) When you sing your song and do your cold reading have something to look at (don't look at the directors) Look above the directors at maybe a poster or clock and keep your eyes on that the entire time you sing and read.

    5.) be confident, everyone gets nervous at first, but nerves are easy to pass.. pretend your preforming in front of your best friend, or don't think anyone is there at all.

    6.) Good Luck :)

  2. A cold reading is when they give you a script and you have to perform it right there. It's called "cold" because you don't have a chance to "warm up" and memorize the lines and stuff.

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