
Some help here?

by  |  earlier

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was wondering if there's a way to disguise yourself so if someone that knows you sees you at first glance they won't recognize you?

Because over a year ago I was on a depression pill that made me do all sorts of bad things I would never do and long story short I made a building full of enemies from the college dorms. I didn't know what I was doing until I got off of them.

Well I have to go to this city in order to go to Walmart and often I see one of those people who hurt me because of my actions and I just feel horrible and embarrased and abhor myself all over again. So I was wondering is there a way to disguise myself?

Or would that make it worse?




  1. just forget about it.

    we all have things we don't like to remember or don't want to come out.

    life sucks at times, just move on.

  2. Well, just look at tv...those people get makeovers and costumes, face redo-overs which could fool anyone? Are you rich? If noit, go in drag.

  3. before i can i need a bit more detail by what you mean by bad things you don't have to make it nor too short just enough to give you a best possible or a solution.

  4. grow a beard

  5. face it - you'll probably have to eventually anyway

  6. alto of times, people seriously wont even recognize you. i run into people all the time that i've gone to school with, and i have no idea who they are. people tend to forget things like that. so i really wouldn't worry about it. just hold your head up high. and ignore these people.

    the only way that would work that would disguise you would be to do something permanently. like a new hair color. wearing a disguise would probably bring more attention to you. since people can usually spot out wigs and such easily. i would notice if someone in a store i was at was wearing one.

    i would also suggest maybe going to a therapist to help you try to get over these things you've done in the past. or read up on it. get a self help book. life is too short to live in the past! it's time to move on.

  7. Well, you could always dye your hair, wear shades, and wear a baseball cap.  But really, what's the point?  If you see one of those people in Wal-Mart just go on about your business.  If they initiate a conversation with you, step up and appologize.  You can't let your past run your life.  You especially can't let your past dictate what you wear to wal-mart.  Good luck :)
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