
Some info from canadians please .?

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ok im planning a hypothetical move to canada ,edmonton to be exact .

so my question is ,how much roughly would it cost ?

i do not mean household items ,but personals only so it would be light packing .

also any home or work info would be gratefully appreciated . i know as much as i find out from friends the net and so on but id like to know the basic but most important details .i should also mention i have a son in school so any info on schools would be great too . this basically will let me know if i can be with the man in my life .

anyway thankyou people and enjoy the rest of your week o / x*x




  1. You do realize that Toronto is nowhere near Edmonton right? Okay, so you have a man in your life, what is the status of this man in your life? is he your husband?  if he's your husband and a Canadian Citizen he can sponsor you for immigration  if not you have to apply on your own merit. My suggestion to you is find a job here and come over to Canada with a work visa, see if you like it and decide. I know you didn't ask about this but Canada does not have a fiance visa like some countries do so that won't help.

  2. Jim B is 110% correct.

    There are far too many people who seem to think that they can just move to Canada because they want to and can't understand that they have to first even see if they qualify to immigrate here.

    I would very strongly advise that you check out the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website VERY thoroughly before you start asking about irrelevant things like the cost of personal items. Do it properly. Do it one step at a time.

  3. Where are you coming from honey?

  4. Yes, apart from needing a work permit to go with your employment, the gas in Edmonton right about now is around $1.22 per litre, a friend of mine recently found a bachelor apt. for 500 which is a steal but then again it's not super nice or anything, another friend found a bit 2 br. for 950 and another is renting a 3+1 br townhouse for 1350.  I have a house and my average power bill is around $100 a month and the gas is on average another 100.  My phone is $33 and my cable and high speed is 100 (digital cable).

    I don't know too much about schools but if you were serious about moving to Edmonton, you should look into the schools when you are looking for a place to live.  Walk around the neighbourhood, does it look safe, talk to the people who live there, ask them what the school there is like etc.

  5. You do understand that you have to APPLY for immigration approval, don't you ?

    You can't just move to Canada, because  you  want to do so.

    Your formal education  ( the more the better ) and your actual work skills are important, as well as your ability to be fully employed and contribute to our economy, are all factors that will be examined by the Immigration department.

    Here is a link to the Government of Canada Immigration website Read it carefully, and save it on your computer..

    Go here;

    Without official  Canadian Government  approval, all of your other questions are pointless.

    Jim B. Toronto.

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