
Some men can not control themselves?

by  |  earlier

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What the h**l does that mean?

Self restraint is not an impossible feat for anyone, lest you have a mental disorder.

So the men who can not control themselves...are they mentally handicapped?




  1. Utterly untrue.  It's a proven fact men are wired completely different from women.  If they were'nt running around wanting to have s*x all the time the human race would have died out by now.  They're men, that's what they're supposed to do:  procreate.  As far as not being able to controll themselves, bullsh*t.  But to their defense, I have known some women who just were'nt able to controll themselves, and every time we went out she would end up taking a different guy home.  Then cry and moan the next day that she didnt want to have s*x with him, it just happened. took him home, what did you expect to happen??  Sorry ladies, i'm getting off the subject.  The point is that men have been trying to get into womens pants since the beginning of time, and will say anything to do so.

  2. Maybe they just think other people are mentally handicapped enough to believe that line.

  3. And all women can? The way past all this BS is to stop being gender specific and blaming. When PEOPLE use that reason for justifying unacceptable behaviour it is for many and complex reasons. None of which are straightforward and easily pigeon-holed. Aberrant behaviour has many causes.

  4. They can either control themselves or go to jail and have a 300 lb. convict control them.

    If men use the I can't control myself excuse, do they wonder why Judges don't give them custody of the kids in a divorce?  They might be looking at a pretty woman and forget to pick up the kids at school.  

    If some men say that they cannot control themselves, how can they also say that they have superior brains?

  5. You shouldn't have that problem, don't worry.

  6. It's not that they can''s that they choose not to.

  7. s*x becomes an addiction, if that's what you mean.

    Yeah, someone who cannot control himself is a madman or is in drugs.

  8. it's a bad statement.... and no, the just refuse to control themselves.

  9. A man who tells you he can't control himself is lying.  Trust me on that one.  If he's really telling the truth, he has a mental issue.

  10. Yeah, there's no such thing as "can't" control yourself.  They just don't want to, and then justify it with the word "can't".

    It's amazing what switching one word in a sentence can do.

  11. The ones who truly cannot control themselves are pathological.  They need to be medicated, counseled and supervised in public places.

    Its the large number who use this line as an *excuse* to not be held accountable for their actions that I find troublesome.

  12. There are More UnControl men/Jerks coming into Our world now. Parents don't discipline there kids anymore. There's a lot of men already jerks. That's why our  divorces rate is so high.

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