
Some one help meeeeeeee?

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one day i went to my bestfriends house after school and i got pretty tired so i decided to take a nap before we did anything so i did and in my dream i dreampt that two teens had killed themselves right infront of me and it freaked me out and i wanted to wake up but i couldnt move and i wanted to scream out my friends name but i couldnt open my mouth and it was really weird because it was like i was awake but at the same time i was in my dream and my friend had no idea what was going on so she didnt know if she should have waken me up or not so she was kind of poking me around and as that was happening, in my dream i one of the teens was poking me too and i started crying but i had no movement what so ever and i couldnt talk or anything. it was really scary and its not the first time it happened, ive had it happen 15 times and i dont know whats wrong some help?




  1. I've had this most of my life too, and only found out a couple of years ago that its called Sleep Paralysis, where your brain becomes awake before your body has come out of its sleep paralysed state. Its really frightening when you can't understand it. Now, I've got to the point whereby I can tell myself what's going on when it happens, and I say just wait, just wait, and then I can move. Its still scary, but at least I know what's going on. Look up Deep Sleep Paralysis on the net, and be reassured.

  2. if someone kills them selves in a dream it means you might be doubting your self or others, to make the dreams stop be more open minded and alow your self to encourage people more than doubting them.

  3. have you ever heard of mediums maybe your making contact with the dead or maybe your having really bad night terrors you should try to learn more on horrific night terrors and maybe consult a doctor.. but until then stay calm it cant hurt you physically. and maybe try some tropical soothing music when u sleep to try to keep ur mind of it and maybe it wont happen anymore:)

  4. Point 1:  Dreams are not real.

    Point 2:  If you really want to reconcile something that happens in a dream that is bothering you, you can influence the dream by telling yourself to have your rational mind enter the dream and remind the dreaming self that it's just a dream - try it, it works.

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