
Some questions about Physical Fittness...?

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hello there. when i started running (2 months ago) I was 114 kg (I am 1.85 mts tall). Now I am 105 kg...and aim to reach 82-85 kg in 4 months time. DO you think thats realistic considering I run 3 miles 5 days a week? I am also careful on my eating habits, i dont count calories nor am very strict, just avoid flours (bread, tortillas, biscuits...) only have sugar with my morning coffee (canderel), eats lots of vegs and fruits and eat nothing after 8pm... of course I drink water often (bout 3.5 lts per day) I dont want to do a diet, prefer to just eath healthy food and in the right portions...

Another question, how to get rid of the unfamous love handles? I have lost 9 kg already and my shape looks smaller but in the same proportions, know what I mean? I still have love handles and thick thighs ... everything looks smaller than it was, but the shape is the same.

Now I am overweight, my shoulders look narrower than my mid section and bottom but a few years ago I was 85 kgs and my shape was the same as it is today: love handles, thick thighs and hips, narrow shoulders... just smaller than its now of of course. I looked a lot slimmer but the shape was basically the same.

I ve heard that targeted fat loss is not possible... so what do u suggest me do do to get in good shape. I dont see the point in losing 20 or more kg is my shape is not changing: I want a narrow mid section, with shaped thighs and butt...

Should I continue just running? I am increasing the distance every week, and aim to run comfortably 6 miles a day (aim to that goal in 6-7 weeks)... what else can I do to reduce and shape my midsection?

How can I look my face look less 'roundy' I mean, even when I was in 80 something kgs, my cheeks looked fatty, how can I make it look tight and muscular, with defined features not just baby-ish

I am 25 yrs old male.





  1. Running's good for losing weight, making your heart healthy and getting strong legs, but you'll be needing to tone up your abs, and for that you need exercise for those muscles, sit ups for them, for the rest, push ups. All three and you'll be getting what you want, swimming would help too.

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