
Some questions about contact lenses..??

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and have been wearing glasses for years. i want to get contacts now.

Is there a limit on prescription to where you can't get them?

*Like, if my vision is very bad, do they have a limit that can tell me no I cant get them because my eyes are too bad?*

Which are the best ones to get??

How much they cost?

What's the price range between different contacts??

How long do they last??




  1. -I don't think there is a limit on prescription.. just ask ur eye doctor, but i believe not

    -and if u are going to wear contacts everyday, u might want to start out with 2 weeks or 1 month. but if u are going to wear them once a week, daily ones are better

    -it all depends on what kind of contacts u are getting. I got 4 boxes of 2 week contacts and it costed like 170 dollars. So the longer u can wear them, the higher the price will be

    - I think I answered that already

    there are different kinds for how long u want them to last

    i think there are:

    -1 day, one use

    -2 weeks

    -1 month

    -6 months

    hope this helped =]

  2. 1) No.

    2) No they dont have a limit to how bad, they come in all different eyesights.

    3) Get the soft lenses. The hard ones are uncomfortable. Brand wise, there isn't much of a difference. Each one works out differently for everybody.

    4) It completely ranges. It depends on which insurance company you have, if you even have insurance. I had to pay just under $200, my insurance company paid half i think. maybe less/more.

    5) It COMPLETELY depends on what you like. There are ones you can get and dispose of them at the end of the day, theres ones you can wear them up to a week and then dispose at the end of the week, and many other options. I personally have 2 month lenses where I can dispose of them in 2 months. Do NOT wear them over night. You take them out before you go to bed. If you fall asleep with them on, sometimes they dry up.

    Any other questions, you have full permission to email me! Good Luck!

  3. Yes contact lenses do have a limit on the prescription. Most of the soft contacts only go up to a - 12.00 or a + 8.00 and thats if you are in a regular prescription, but if you have an astigmatism then most got up to the power of -9.00 or + 6.00 and then the Cylinder ( the astigmatism part) goes as high as -2.25. You can get hard lenses that any prescription comes in because they are specially made. Or they have some soft contact lenses that you can have custom made to your prescription, but those can be very expensive. But most people fall into the normal category of the soft lens so you are usually ok to wear the regular ones.

    As far as which ones are best to get, that varies for everyone. What is good for one person, may not be good for another. So you should get a exam for contacts and your doctor will fit you with the best lens for you.

    The cost ranges based on brand and if you have an astigmatism, etc. But the range is any where between 22.49 a box to 99.99 a box. Or if you need customer lenses you can pay as much as $300.00 dollars a lens ( it is very rare that someone has a prescription so bad that they have to pay that much though)  A box of lenses usually comes with 6 lenses, in some cases they come with 4.

    Different contacts last different lengths of time.

    Your Daily lenses, You put one in at the beginning of the day and then throw it away that night. You do this everyday.

    Your 2 week disposable last for 2 weeks and then you throw them away.

    Your monthly disposable last for a month then you throw them away.

    2 week extended wear also last for 2 weeks but you wear them for 6 days and on the 7th you don't wear the lens, then you wear it for 6 days. Then throw it away.

    Your monthly extended wear last for 30 days and then you just throw it away when you take it out.

    * Extended wear means that you wear them all the time, even sleep in them.

    Then you have your conventional lenses, conventional lenses last anywhere from 3 months to 1 year.

    And then you have your Gas Permiable lenses ( hard contacts) and the last for a year. I hope this information helps.

    Call your local eye care provider and they can schedule you an exam so that you can get fitted with a lens that works for you. If you need help finding a doctor in your area. 1800Contacts has a program that they can find doctors in your area and help you find one with the best priced exams.

    ** All prices I listed are based off of 1800Contacts prices.

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