
Some questions about not eating meat?

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I truly would like to know the reasoning behind why someone becomes a vegetarian. I mean no disrespect here.......I ask in sincerity.

I've eaten meat ever since I was old enough to have teeth. The idea of cutting all meat & meat products out of my life seems absurd to someone like me. So in all seriousness, what caused you personally to make the choice for a meat-less diet?






  1. Animal cruelty and the thought of chewing on flesh is less then appealing

  2. No one can be 100% vegitarian. Plants have life. If one can eat all the bacterias in the curd how can he claim to be harmless to 'lives'. The moral is do not eat others brain, others work, others sentiments. What ever goes into the mouth does not harm. The problem is with what is coming out from the mouth! It does more harm than anything else. The occasional Anger, self exaltation of being vegitarian is more non vegitarian in the true sense. If every one becomes vegitarian most of the cattle would starve to death. The feeling of discomfort and the urge to give a fitting answer to this answer is actually NON VEGITARIAN. No choice buddy.

  3. While I'm not a vegetarian anymore, I moved into a vegetarian "commune" when I was 18 and we weren't allowed to bring in any meat. I learned to enjoy different kinds of cooking and the fact that it brought me closer to the kind of people I enjoyed being around (progressive people, not necessarily vegetarian). My family still eats vegetarian meals on occassion because it's a nice way to have a light healthy meal and to broaden their dietary horizons.

  4. I love meat and meat products (dairy, cheese).  However, I've cut way back for health reasons.  I've read too many books and articles about the addictives, etc. in today's meat business.   Farmers have to keep up with supply and demand.  What is in the cows - gets in me!  Hormones, etc.

    So, I've cut back.............and I eat organice eggs, free-range hens, etc. to help myself out.  I couldn't swallow tofu, though.  Ugh.  I have to draw the line somewhere.  I eat a lot more yogurt than I used to........

    My Dr. said that once a week was about right if I didn't want the additives to effect my health.

    I juice veggies and  fruits now - and eat more grains and nuts.  I do feel better.

  5. well people who eat a lot of vegetables are probably healthier than non-vegetarians

  6. I stopped eating meat almost twenty years ago, I decided to become vegetarian on moral grounds, I just felt too guilty that an animal would be killed just to fill my belly. After plenty of health scares surrounding meat since I became vegetarian I am doubly glad I don't eat it.

  7. Vegetarians have a 20% lower rate of mortality from all causes (ie. they live longer & don't get sick as often)

    Meat is full of traces of antibiotics, hormones, toxins produced by stress & pesticide residues that become concentrated from all the crops they have eaten

    Fish contain heavy metals & other pollutants -many of which originated on farms

    The world health organisation recommends a diet low in saturated fat, sugar, salt & with plenty of fibre - exactly what you get on a vegan/vegetarian diet

    Farmed animals contain upto 50% saturated fat in their bodies

    Vegetarians have 24% reduced risk of getting heart disease & Vegans a 57% reduction (heart disease is the biggest killer in the UK accounting for 50% of deaths)

    Obesity is rare in vegetarians, obesity is related to many diseases

    Vegans & vegetarians have lower blood pressure & cholesterol levels - high levels are associated with heart disease, strokes & kidney failure

    Vegetarians have a 50% reduced risk of dying of diabetes

    Vegetarians have a 40% reduced level of cancer than the general population thought to be because they have a higher intake of vitamins A,C & E

    Vegetarians have a reduced risk of developing gall & kidney stones

  8. A college rriend of mine married an SS man"s daughter after the war.  He asked her why her father and other top Germans never ate meat.

    She said that her father told her that he believed that:

    "If people would stop eating meat, then people would stop hurting people."

    This obviously made a lot of sense to him but not to most people.  Yet is was one man's view of meat eating.

    I do eat meat.

    My belief is that is is not good to eat a lot on meat as you get older.

  9. I was a huge meat eater growing up. In college I got lazy and didn't cook much. I suddenly realized I wasn't eating meat and didn't really crave it. I can' guarantee I won't eat meat the rest of my life but for now it is due to preference in food.

  10. I am not a vegetarian but I don't each much meat anyway.  The price of meat is skyrocketing and I too am on the animals side.  I hate the fact that my own sin has caused so much death especially to innocent animal life.  They are not the ones that caused the problem yet death came to them too.  Then we go and kill and eat them on top of it.  Not cool.  I realize their death were necessary for sacrifice during the time period when the law was practiced but now that Jesus has come we don't require animal death anymore.  In the beginning we were all vegetarians.  Doesn't it say we ate grains and fruit?  I think so.  Perhaps this is a better way to eat.  My only questions is what changed in the human body that allows us to die?  And is there something in animal meats that the human body requires since sin entered the world?  I don't know those answers but if we only need protein than we can get that from other foods.  Interesting question.  I've thought about his one too.

  11. Personally not a vegitarian (love a good steak) but I would say most are vegitarian because either:

    1. they have a moral objection to what they view as animal cruelty

    2. they don't like the flavor of meat

    I know a few of both types, and one that is both 1 & 2.

  12. Meat is full of antibiotics, toxins, pesticides, medication and steroids. Not to mention the animals was probably sick it could of had infections, cancer, open wounds or anything.  10% of all the meat you buy at the store is f***s. You cant honestly tell me that sounds good to eat? and you cant honestly tell me thats healthy to eat?  The meat you buy in a store taste absolutely nothing like what "meat" actually taste like, its all chemically altered, why would you want to put that stuff in your body? On average when a normal meat eating person dies, they die with an average of 3 pounds of meat/beef just sitting in their digestive system and stomach!!! thats revolting!!. Plus animals were not put on this earth  so humans could torture them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  14. I've been pretty topsy turvy.

    I'm Aussie, and have grown up enjoying the Sunday roasts, barbies, sausage rolls and pies.  I used to LOVE meat, was practically carnivorous.

    However, I have also always loved animals, but never connected the whole 'eating dead animals' thing.

    When I was 16, a biology project where we had to raise a chick from the egg, promptly put a stop to me eating chicken.  However, this was also on moral basis, given how chickens are supposedly the most highly abused animals in the world.

    Two years later, i started seeing the animal every time I tried to eat meat.  This didn't exactly add to the taste or appeal :P  After watching a doco on livestock treatment from exports, I couldn't eat meat anymore, and haven't eaten it since.

    I actually tried to drop meat a couple of times before this, but I was always tempted by hamburgers, fish and chips and whatnot. And of course the roasts (my mum makes a mean roast!)  For some reason though, after watching this doco, it all clicked, and i felt sick at the sight of meat.

    So yeah, it did seem absurd to me a while ago, and I wondered what the heck to eat.. but now I feel no guilt, the food looks really appealing, and my diet has expanded into lots of yummy stuff i didn't eat before :)

  15. Unlike other questions like this, I don't find this one offensive.

    I guess each veggie and vegan have their reasons for going veg.

    Meat never was never my favourite thing on the plate. So it made sense to not eat it. (''Why eat something you don't like?'' kind of thing). At 8 years old I told my mom never to serve me bacon sandwiches again. No more bacon, beef, chicken, fish, etc etc. I was never much of a meat eater anyway.

    I don't really eat fake meats. I eat a lot of raw foods, such as nuts, fruit, wholegrains, cereals and vegetables etc. I love food. It's a myth that veggie food is boring.

    Being meat free is easier than you think. A little tricky at first, but I adapted well to vegetarianism. Vegetarianism makes me think about what I am eating. ''The body is a temple'' as the saying goes.

    And I don't feel that being meat free is restricting me in any way. I hope this helps.

  16. I am a vegetarian as I have a medical condition (which runs in my family as my mother and grandmother have it) that means I cannot digest meat even if I smell (particularly raw) meat I get nauseous

  17. 1. Ethics: It is immoral to kill when not necessary for ones survival. In fact this is what distinguishes murder from killing. Also most animals are raised via factory farming practices that cause them extreme suffering making them unhealthy and often times down right unsafe to eat.

    2. Environmental: It takes an exponential amount of resources to raise meat as opposed to vegetable matter. According to the U.N. It takes 8 pounds of grain just to get one pound of beef. The are many many other examples of environmental degradations from the mass consumptive practices of consuming meat.

    3. Health: Vegetarians over average tend to be 10% lighter than their meat eating cousins. They are also less disposed towards many types of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Also those who adopt the lifestyle tend to make healthier choses in general in part because they cannot really on the conveniences of eating meat.

  18. I saw videos online of what happens to animals and how their proccessed into meat for us to eat. It looked disgusting, literally. After I saw that video I couldn't eat meat without getting naushious.

    So I just decided to give it a try. I tried having Morning Star meatless chicken nuggets instead of chicken nuggets from Burger king, much better. Half the calories, and you don't have that greasy felling knowing that your eating real animals.

  19. The reasoning could be for several reasons. Some reasonable, others not so reasonable. I have friends who are vegetarians because a) they do not like the taste or texture of meat, or b) they believe that a vegetarian diet is better for you--health-wise.

    What I consider unreasonable is that animals are living beings that deserve to live and the preparation of meats is cruel.

    Paul made it clear that we should not get on one another's cases regarding the subject--so I do not engage in the conversation unless it is light hearted debate. When I go over for dinner, I eat the vegetarian plates with thankfulness, then go home and BBQ a steak.

    There are some very interesting aspects of the eating of meat that had to do with the Nephalim during the days of Noah... but that is another subject for another day.

    Romans 14:1-3

    Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things. For one believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables. Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats; for God has received him.

    1 Timothy 4:1-4

    Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons... commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving;

  20. This is why:


  21. Vegetarians and vegans choose the lifestyle for various reasons.

    Personally, I'm a vegan because of health related issue as well as ethical issues.

    My family has a long history of debilitating and often fatal diseases and conditions - high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attack, diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity, etc. I don't want to be ill when I reach my upper years. I've done some research and found that cutting meat out of my diet can drastically reduce my risk for falling victim to the aforementioned ailments. I exercise constantly, I don't smoke, I go to the doctor regularly...all so I can have a quality of life and live past 65.

    As far as ethics are concerned, I do not condone or agree with the way animals are treated on factory farms. I also do not like the way they are treated in the slaughtering process. While animals are not humans, they can feel pain. They can register and express emotions. It is still a LIFE that was created by God. It is hypocritical of me to say that I love God and attempt to live a peaceful compassionate existence in accordance to His example and then turn around and support the absolute atrocities that occur in the meat industry.

    But that's just me. Those are my two main reasons for being vegan. It just makes sense for me at this stage in my life and I will ascribe to it for the rest of my life.

    I hope that answered your should give vegetarianism a try since you're curious! Just for a day or two. You might enjoy trying the different fare.


  22. I have decided to become vegetarian because I love and respect animals and nature and to me personally I would feel like a hypocrite if i say i love and want to protect animals and nature yet eat meat.Besides people were never meant to eat meat it even says in the bible in i think proverb 12:15 it actually is a sin because that's gods creature.Our bodies weren't meant to consume meat and it just sits and rots inside us and doesn't digest like other foods.Could you imagine eating the flesh of a slaughtered human being?Basically that's what we do when you eat meat its the dead carcass flesh of something that had a very sad and turbulent life just for our personal enjoyment

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