
Some questions for Atheists?

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I was just wondering, if you guys don't believe God created the universe and all of us then how do you guys think the universe and all of us were created? And why don't you believe in God?




  1. I have no idea. A major difference between theists and nonbelievers is the theists need for answers. Just because I don't know it doesn't give proof that God did it. I don't know, and I can live with that. The Big Bang explains things in details I don't understand yet.  

  2. The big bang seems to work. My parent had s*x,  I was born.

  3. who knows how it was created, everybody's guess is legit.  

  4. We're not sure how the universe was created, but that doesn't mean we're suddenly going to turn to god-worship to solve all of our problems. Personally, I don't really care how we were all created.

  5. Listen, because we don't know precisely how the universe was created is just no good reason to assume some fictional guy did it.  Sorry.  I don't know how the universe was created... and neither do you.

  6. It was the big bang and evolution. That's what I'm taught at school. We are taught s*x education as well so I know where babies come from. I learned what I need to know but gods are just out of curiosity for me so I can see what some other people believe.

  7. The universe were created with the big bang. Life started with abiogenesis and diversified with evolution. I don't believe in gods because there is no evidence.  

  8. I'm not a I don't know all of the terminology and the science behind how the Universe came to be.

    However I am an Atheist who does not believe in a Supreme's not logical and there are too many holes in the theory.

  9. probably the big bang, but who knows ,

    no one, thats the truth

    i dont believe in god because there is no logic the idea of this religious god,

    because the religious god is just a sociological ideal

    and because there is no evidence of any such being existing

  10. You're not getting many answers because this exact question has been asked to death.  Atheist have grown a little bored stating there is no evidence for a god of any kind.  I certainly have.

  11. There is no god. period.

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